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Bet you guys are excited ;))

Chapter 18

After getting our last minute gifts, we went back to his house, which was empty as his parents had gone out for a Christmas Eve dinner. Usually, my parents wouldn't have let me sleep over at Calum's on Christmas Eve but luckily for me, they were away for the whole week spending time with Natalie's family back in Perth. I'd refused to go but hadn't told them why, nor did they question it.

As for Ben and Jack, they were dotted around the country with their girlfriends' families, which I thought was pretty sweet – so yeah. I'd been home alone, with only Molly to keep me company.

Calum poured himself some water and downed it in one. The weather made him dehydrated pretty quickly, as he sweated buckets most of the time. He told me he was going to take a shower, so I headed to his room first and got changed. I'd showered that morning so I didn't feel like taking another one.

I was lying on his bed with my phone held above my head, reading and replying to messages from more random people. Damn, I was even getting friend requests from people who didn't even live in Australia, let alone go to my school. I rejected them all, and updated my status with something about Christmas Eve.

Calum caught me off guard by entering with just a towel wrapped around his waist, and I dropped my phone straight onto my face when my eyes devoured every inch of his upper body. Holy fuck. His hair, too, was hot as fuck – it was wet and dripping water onto his beautiful tanned skin, trickling down each sculpted muscle till it reached the line of the towel. Fuck that towel.

"Wow, no need to stare at my half-naked body," he teased with a smile. I looked away, picking my phone up and putting it aside without any further hesitation. "You tired?"

"Kinda. Not in the mood for a film though."

He came and sat down by my feet, using another smaller towel to dry his hair. "Well... what do you want to do? It's almost midnight, I guess we could exchange gifts...?"

I wanted him to bring it up. I couldn't possibly ask for it. "Mm but I left mine at home."

"Board game?"

"Too late to get started."

"Video game?"

"Eyes hurt."

"School work?"

"Who are you?"

"Trying on clothes?"

I rolled my eyes. "Calum, your ideas are stupid."

"Then what do you suggest?" he asked in frustration. I nibbled at my lip. Then he said, "I mean, we could always watch porn?"

My heart almost stopped. "What the fuck?!"

"I was joking! Oh my god, your face!" he cried, eyes crinkling as he burst into laughter. "The day you, Luke Robert Hemmings the aromantic asexual little hoe, watch porn will be the day I become the bassist in one of those famous bands you like so much. Basically, never." He was still laughing his head off, and just when he was about to stop he saw my face and got started all over again.

His laugh was cute, not gonna lie. It was even cuter a few years ago when he was still going through puberty – his laughs would be a blissful mixture of high pitched and deep sounds, sometimes even giggles. I used to wish my laughs were like his, but now I wished they were like Ashton's because holy fuck, that man could giggle.

I began to wonder. Why wasn't he bringing it up? Had he forgotten? Was he waiting for me? Did I need to start undressing or something? Was there some kind of signal sexual people gave each other or was it telepathy?

He'd finally stopped laughing, and I got off the bed, walking to his wardrobe and finding something decent to wear. He suggested one of the grey t-shirts that had a NASA sign on it – I liked that one as it was a personal favourite. I thought it looked really good on Calum, and the material was soft enough to sleep in.

I then went back, resuming the position I'd been in. "Can I just sleep here tonight? I can't be bothered to set up the bedding."

"Sure," he replied.

A few moments of silence passed as he fiddled with a loose thread on the duvet cover. Inside, I was itching for him to ask and at the same time, dreading it really bad.

But I could trust Calum. He wasn't a dick, not from what I'd seen anyway – he was understanding and kind, funny and very indecisive.

"What do you want to do then?" I asked idly, trying my hardest to contain my nervousness. "Y-you could... try doing that, if you want..." He looked up with bright eyes, whilst I added, "I don't m-mind."


"Yeah. We don't have anything better to do."

My heart, my poor heart. Someone slow it down.

He wriggled over with a smile and thanked me, before I grabbed a pillow and put it over my head to block everything out. I didn't know how I'd feel if I saw Calum's head near my crotch. I'd probably have to stop him, from fear of my past memories. He probably understood that since I was asexual, I didn't want to see what was going on and he accepted that, not asking me to get rid of the pillow.

Despite thinking the pillow would calm me down a bit, it ended up making me even more excited because it smelt just like him. Now, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget the fact that Calum was literally taking my jeans off.

"Are you ready?" he asked softly, making my breathing abnormally irregular. "Lukey?"

I nodded. "Y-Yeah. Go on." He shifted around once more, before removing my boxer briefs.


LOL sorry for this filler XD I will write the smut scene, I promise. Just... not yet.

I also want to put a disclaimer saying I don't mean any offence to anyone who is asexual; you be whoever you want and don't let this work of fiction tell you what to do. I just thought it would be interesting to see how someone who doesn't believe in love eventually gives into it :)

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Kimmy xx

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