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Have some more cake you awesome people :))

Chapter 23

"I told you, he's just a childhood friend!"

He bit his lip. "You're keeping something secret. Mrs Hemmings, who's that blonde kid who is kinda tall and moved from Perth a few weeks back?"

Mum raised her eyebrows. "You mean Lloyd? He was Luke's best friend when they were children."

"Nothing more? I swear he said he was Luke's ex-boyfriend."

She looked up, trying to remember. "I don't think so... they were very young, they can't have been together."

I internally sighed in relief and shut my eyes tightly. "See Calum, you're digging too deep for no reason. I told you already, he recently told me he liked me and he likes messing around with people - that's all."


The next few days were a bit awkward. Calum went to Ashton's after school every day and the more homework we got, the less of him I got to saw. It was funny that in the summer, we'd all made a pact to stay together as a four despite being separated, and yet we hardly hung out anymore.

Michael called me up and came round.

"What brings you here?" I asked, letting him in. We sat down on the couch where I'd just been sitting watching TV.

"I've got some news."

I grabbed a cushion and hugged it, waiting for him to speak.

"I... I'm gonna move in with Ashton. We found a little place near our college and the rent is really cheap."

My eyes became saucers as I realised what was going on. "Does Calum know?"

"Ashton's supposed to be telling him today."

"Shit... well, I mean, good for you, but I don't think he's gonna react well."

"What do you mean?"

"He's jealous that you and Ashton are such close friends. He wants to be closer."

"I'm sorry, he gets more of Ash than I do! I might see him more but when they're together, it's like I don't even exist!"

I bit my lip. I knew from the beginning how complicated this would turn out, and I'd told myself to stay out of it but not any longer. I couldn't let my Calum get hurt because of a polyamorous guy who had the ability to kiss anyone he wanted to.

"Call them over. I need to speak to Ashton."


It appeared Ashton had already told Calum about moving in with Michael, because Calum looked rather gloomy when they turned up at my doorstep. We were now in my room; Michael got the hint that I wanted to be alone with Ashton and went down to get drinks with Cal.

"Have you told him that you date multiple people yet?" I asked abruptly, not even waiting for him to sit down.

"I don't see why that's so important!"

"He's going to fucking get hurt if you don't. The day he goes over to your new place and sees you canoodling with Michael, he's going to go mad! Tell him yourself, or I will."

He protested, "No, please just give me more time."

"You've had months!"

"I know, and I'm aware that he'll get hurt. Which is why I need time."

"No, you need to suck it up and tell him."

"Feelings are harder to predict than you think. What if I lose him?"

"Then that's your fault for not telling him from the beginning."

We both sighed, having not been able to come to a conclusion as to what to do. The other two came up with drinks and we sat in a circle on a rug on the floor. "You guys okay?" Michael asked, exchanging glances with me and Ashton. I averted my gaze.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "Calum." He looked up at me. "How do you feel about these two moving in?"

Ashton pinched my arm and gave me a cold stare. "Fine? I don't see why I'd have an issue..." He didn't sound certain about that.

Now it was Michael's turn to glare at me. "Don't you wish it was you instead of Michael?" I knew exactly where I was headed and both Michael and Ashton hated me for it.

"Uh, I guess, why...?"

"Well," I laughed, "not like you can't visit!"

Ashton stood up. "I'm leaving. Come on, Cal."

I gritted my teeth. "Why, you going to tell him?"

"Tell me what?" Calum asked, evidently the most confused person amongst us. "Guys, what's going on...?"

"Find out yourself," I grumbled, rolling my eyes in annoyance. The tension in the room was so heavy, it rested on our shoulders like weights. Without wanting to stay in the room any longer, I got up and left, treading down the stairs and opening the front door.

"Wait, Luke!" Calum yelled, running after me. "How could you put me in such a tight spot?"

I scoffed. "You're really blaming me for all of this? Mate, you need to get your priorities sorted."

"Yeah, I'm blaming you! Why? Because you always try to get between me and Ashton, and it doesn't make sense because you don't even like anyone!"

I like you...

"If you were after Ashton too, then I'd understand, but you're not!"

No, I'm after you.

"So please, just stay out of my affairs because you're really starting to act like a dickhead and I hate it. Just go back to being the normal Luke, please!" he shouted, voice quivering ever so slightly. "Luke, why aren't you answering?!"


I don't know what to say.

"Man, I hope that blonde guy comes back and kisses some sense in to you! Stop messing around."

He wasn't right to bring up Lloyd. Now my eyes were hurting, tears spiking and urging to spill. "Admit it though, you're jealous of Michael."

This set him off. "Of course I am! Who wouldn't be? I'm the one who's going out with Ashton but he gets to live with him, he gets to go to college everyday with him whilst I'm stuck at school with someone like you! You don't care about my feelings for Ashton, and you don't even support my relationships. You think that just because you're asexual you can split others up – but you need to wake up because that's not how the world works-"

I cut his words off by pushing him against the lamppost and pressing my lips onto his.


Well shit.


Left that on a rather... INTERESTING note... 

A lot of these chapters seem to be ending with kisses XD

SO let me ask you another question. Who's your fave band? Besides 5SOS? Mine is Imagine Dragons... they are such awesome people and I've had the joy of seeing them live - last September and also October 2013 :)

Dedication goes to immortalcake_ for commenting recently! Thank you veeery much, I appreciate it and hope you're enjoying the story so far!

Vote+comment for virtual 5sos pen refills

Kimmy xx

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