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I'm enjoying writing this so much. Someone stop me.

Chapter 13

"Ex... boyfriend?"

I mentally facepalmed, sighing out loud. Things just had to get so complicated, didn't they? I was never allowed to lead a normal, quiet life. No, I had to be surrounded by people, from the past and the present and let me tell you, it didn't feel good.

"Hasn't Luke ever told you about me? Huh, what a great friend."

Calum did look slightly hurt, but more surprised that I'd dated a guy in the past. I looked at him. "Don't worry about it Cal, it's probably better if you leave."

"No, no Luke I'm not leaving. Why didn't you ever tell me about this?"

Now both of them were in my face, staring intensely and I couldn't do it anymore. I pivoted on my heel and ran in the opposite direction, ignoring Calum's shouts from behind as he followed me down the orange-lit streets.

"Luke, wait, please! Let's talk, I need to talk to you!" he cried. But all I could hear was the sound of my feet hitting the ground.

I stopped running when I reached my favourite beach spot. I knew Calum was behind me, I could hear him catching his breath after that ten minute sprint. For someone as lazy as myself, I was surprised I'd managed to run it without getting too exhausted.

He came over and saw down on the rock next to mine, gazing at me from the side. "Luke, you need to tell me what's going on. You've avoided me for days, and you keep saying you're okay when you're not. And now, I find out that you have an ex-boyfriend? So you're not actually asexual? Look, I know I'm asking you a lot right now, but-"

"Listen to the waves, Cal."

He continued to stare at me as if I was mad. "Are you even listening to me?"

"The waves. They know everything."


I looked up at the purplish sky, stars already twinkling in their places. "I come here a lot these days. I talk to the waves, because I can't talk to anyone else."

He frowned. "That's not true, you can talk to me."

A few moments later, I turned and looked at him, squinting and taking in his full body, starting from his hair. The soft, dark brown waves that moved perfectly in one direction, his thick furrowed eyebrows that you could get lost in, the chocolate orbs that gleamed when he was happy, the two little moles he had on his cheek, and then – his lips.

I was, at that very moment, aware that I was falling in love with his lips.

I wanted to feel them on mine. "Luke?"


"I just said, you can talk to me."

"Oh. Yeah, okay."

I went back to staring at his lips, and didn't notice me biting my own. "Luke. Stop staring. What the fuck is wrong?"

Of course he'd know, of course he'd get mad. He liked fucking Ashton Irwin after all. A bloody polyamorous football hunk – everything I wasn't. "A lot."

"Yeah, I gathered that. But since we're here, why don't you tell me about it?"

I sighed, leaning back on the grassy ledge behind me. My fingers made their way into my jean pockets, and I found a note from earlier, that a girl had given me. It had her number on it, and a few kisses lazily scrawled underneath.

"Please Luke. Talk to me."

But, I didn't feel like talking about myself. "So, how is your relationship with that dick, Ashton going?"

"Seriously? You're changing the subject to him right now?" he scoffed, shaking his head.

"You were eating with him earlier."

"Yeah. We were on a date."

"And you ditched on him to talk to me? What a great boyfriend."

"I waited for you so I could find out what was wrong. He told me to. We're all worried about you Luke, you haven't been yourself lately. And for your information, I'm not his boyfriend yet."

"You should all stop worrying about me and focus on fucking each other, as that's all you people seem to do these days anyway."

"What the fuck? Since when have you been such a jerk?!" he spat, standing up. I looked up with a smirk, similar to that of Lloyd's, and he kicked some sand onto my lap. "I hope you grow out of this 'phase' of being asexual. I know you're being horrible because you can't stand the thought of your best friend being in a relationship, but this time it's not gonna stop me. Honestly, I thought you were better than this Luke."

"Fine! Go date him all you want! I don't care! Go kiss him against the lockers, go fuck him in the toilet, and don't forget to suck his fucking dick on the dinner table!" I threw my hands up in the air exasperatedly.

"I will. And I'll make sure we do everything in front of you, just so you can be sickened."

He stormed off, genuinely angry, leaving me with sand on my legs and a beating chest, balls of sweat trickling down the sides of my face.

That hadn't just been a friendly bicker between friends.

That had been the worst argument I'd ever had, and now I was hurt beyond words. How had I been able to say such detrimental words to him, the man I called my best friend?

I sat there, tucked my long giraffe legs under my arms and sobbed for the first time in years.


When I'd finally mustered up the courage to go home, it was midnight. Mum and dad were both asleep, so I snuck in round the back where we had a spare key under a flower pot. I quietly shut the door behind me and went to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of wine from the metal wine holder next to the fridge. Mum and dad wouldn't notice if one bottle had disappeared. They didn't seem to notice much at all.

I brought it up to my room and got out my all-time favourite book, The Shining by Stephen King. It made me forget all the shit in my life because of how fucking creepy it was. Taking a swig every now and then, I got through the whole book before passing out drunk.



Had to make that reference ;)

Thanks for almost 200 reads! I'll update this again when it surpasses 250 :)) That's not too much to ask.. is it? 

Stay awesome ;)

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Kimmy xx

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