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Only 8 chapters left... :'(

Chapter 22

The rest of the holidays went by in a blur. We four hung out on the beach a lot, whilst Ashton and Calum seemed to be getting closer than before – especially since they wouldn't be seeing much of each other when term started.

My family all returned so the house was lively again, and Molly had some company other than myself. I spent most of my day either with the other three or cooped up in my room (or in a tree) reading books. I'd set myself a target to read the whole Harry Potter series again before February, and had succeeded.

The first day of term was strange, because Calum wasn't constantly going upstairs anymore. Now, we occupied Ashton and Michael's old classroom and all he could do was mope about.

"I can't believe I only get to see him after school now," he sulked, kicking his locker door.

"It's not that bad, surely? Think about it – some couples live at completely different ends of the earth, now how would that feel?"

He fake cried and let out a big sigh. "I just wanted to be with him so bad... he won't forget about me, will he?"

If he does, you can have me instead.

"Of course he won't. I'm sure there aren't that many hot guys and girls at college."

He forced a smile and sighed again, sitting down next to me. "You're right. I need to have faith in him. Thanks Lukey. Oh, how's it going with that douche? That blonde guy?"

Lloyd? I hadn't seen him in weeks. Our mums caught up quite a lot, going out for coffee and dinner but mum had kinda got what was going on. I mean, she still had no idea about what Lloyd had done to me; it was more she knew I didn't want to be around him.

"He hasn't bothered me, don't worry."

"Who... is he really? Childhood friends don't forcefully kiss each other... surely?"

I contemplated whether telling him would be worth it. Nah. "He, er, confessed his feelings to me that day and I said I couldn't return them, obviously."

He raised his eyebrows. "Doesn't he know you're asexual?"

"He didn't believe me because of – uh, yeah. He just didn't believe me."

"Because of what? What are you hiding?"

I panicked, eyes widening as I saw him frown. "Er..." I swallowed, glancing at the clock. Please, Mr Kaye, please come in already...

"Morning class! Back already? Feels like summer never happened!"

I let out sigh of relief and immediately turned away from Calum, pretending to get my books out. I knew he wasn't impressed with my behaviour, how I was refusing to tell him stuff, and it wasn't like I didn't feel bad. It feared me every time I tried to bring it up. That Calum might think differently of me.


The day went by pretty quickly and before I knew it, I was back home with Calum sprawled on my bedroom floor in a crisis.

"He hasn't texted me back in four hours! Four hours, Luke, do you know what that means? It means he saw my text and chose not to reply!" he whined. "What's more, the teachers are piling the homework on and it's only our first day back!"

I hushed him and pressed play on my CD player. "We are in our final year Cal, they need to start pushing us. You want to go to college next year, don't you? To be with Ashton?"

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