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Chapter 7

Throughout our time at the park, I wanted to jump in the pond and get away from the mess that was in the making.

I didn't want to be held responsible for anything, no matter how much I knew. I kept glancing over at Calum, who had his sunglasses on since we were having quite a sunny autumn afternoon. Michael and Ashton talked amongst themselves, Calum occasionally joining in when he had something to say.

"You know what, you guys should all come over and play FIFA at mine some time!" Michael yelled, smiling at himself for coming up with such a great suggestion.

"Oh, I don't know, I don't play games," Ashton replied. Pah, what a liar. Someone, open the window please, it reeks of lies, lies and more lies...

Calum, on the other hand, was all up for it. "We should definitely do it! Ashton, if you don't know how to play, we can teach you!" Yeah Calum, I'm pretty sure it should be the other way round. "Luke, you should come too," he said, almost as an afterthought.

"Not tonight. I'm busy."

"That's fine, why don't we do it this Friday? Just us four, at mine. I'll text you guys my address," the blonde-haired boy said, moving onto a different topic.


"You're not actually, busy, are you?"


I turned around and saw Calum running up to me, his backpack jiggling as he ran. "You said you didn't want to go to Michael's, but here you are, an hour later, not even at home."

"Were you following me?"

"Yeah. You don't look fine, and you haven't looked fine for a while."

Wow, he really was perceptive eh. If he knew the truth, he'd probably have a completely different view of me. "I am supposed to be busy this evening but I'm kind of skiving. We have a family who is a friend of ours over for dinner, and well... I guess you could say I don't have the best memories with them."

"Who is it?"

"You won't know them. They live in like, Perth."

He nodded. It was dark, past seven pm already, and I had been circling the area around my house for a while completely unaware that Calum had been following me. I leant against a concrete wall and slid down, dropping my bag between my legs.

He seemed like he wanted to ask about the family, but he also knew I probably didn't want to talk about it so he kept silent. We stayed there for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company.

Eventually, he broke the comfortable silence. "I think I want to marry Ashton, Luke."

"I know you do."

"He's just so perfect. I don't know how God created a person so fine... you know, he plays the drums too. He showed me a clip in the park earlier and he's really good."

"I know."

"And he's good friends with Michael, too, and he said he liked hanging out with us. With us, a footballer and a musician. Can you believe it?"

"I can, yes."

"You're really not into this conversation at all."

I pursed my lips. "Well, I hear a lot about Ashton from you at school already, hearing more during out-of-school hours seems a bit much."

"I was just trying to take your mind off why you're skipping dinner with that family."

Of course he was. Suddenly I felt awful. He knew how to cheer me up, but at that time I was just so messed up that nothing could bring a smile to my face, especially not him talking about Ashton. "Sorry. I know I'm not being myself these days, but there's a reason, I'm just not ready to share it yet."

"That's fine, Lukey. Take your time, there's no rush."

He took my hand and squeezed it gently, stroking the area between my finger and thumb idly. I smiled back, only just being able to make out his face in the orange light of the lamppost. "Thanks."

Friends were awesome. Especially when they were called Calum Hood.


The rest of the week happened without too much drama – I cheered up once I'd gotten home, and school was bearable. Calum still fangirled over Ashton to me, and we still watched him play football at lunchtimes. We ate as a four and went to the park for an hour after school most days that week.

So when Friday came, I was pretty comfortable hanging out with the love-struck dog, the lying deceiving conniving footballer, and the gamer who had no responsibilities.

Calum was coming to mine before we headed over, since Michael needed to tidy up and Ashton had offered to help. I waved to my dad on the way in, was kicked in the leg by Jack, and offered a 'healthy grain-free' doughnut by mum, but I refused because they didn't taste very nice. A bit cardboard-y, to tell the truth.

"Man, I'm so excited," Calum marvelled, jumping onto my bed. "Hey, I think I'm gonna try to kiss him today." I took off my shirt, changing into a clean one as well as packing his back with things other than school binders and pencil cases. "Can I test it on you first?"

I looked at him as if he was mad.

"But you won't feel a thing because you're asexual."

You're an exception.

"You said you wouldn't be asking for any more favours," I reminded him.

He pouted. "This is hardly a favour. I just want to see how it feels to kiss a guy, because I haven't done it before."

"Yeah, and I don't have to be your test subject. Just kiss him, you don't need to share my saliva with the whole group."

"I'm only kissing Ashton, jeez!"

But is he only kissing you? "Whatever."

"So that's a yes?"

"No, that's a no. I don't want to."

"State your reasons."

I hmm-ed, looking at the ceiling. "Well, maybe because it's uncomfortable, you're my closest friend, you have way too much saliva for a normal human being, I don't even know how to kiss, and oh, did I mention it being uncomfortable?"

"I have too much saliva?" He suddenly looked all worried. "What if Ashton complains about that..."

I rolled my eyes. "You drool in your sleep."

He blushed. "But I can't control that."

I walked over to the bed, picking up a book and lying down by his legs, propping my head up on his thigh like usual. Then he caught me completely off guard.

He kissed me...

And what's weird, is that I kissed him back.




btw, the italic sentences are his thoughts (if you hadn't gathered that already) 

Been up since 5 o.o and made the trailer! Hope you've watched it already!

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Kimmy xx

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