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Chapter 6

"Hey Luke, I'm done – whaaaa ohh hi Ashton!!"

Our heads zipped round and we saw Calum coming over with a nervous smile on his face. "H-hey Cal. C'mon, let's go. I've chosen my book."

I grabbed his arm and yanked him, not caring that he wanted to speak to Ashton. "What the fuck Luke?" he retorted whilst I paid for my book at the till, thanking the cashier and dragging him out again. Once we were outside, he wriggled out of my grasp and glared at me.

"That was so my chance to speak to him! Why the hell did you drag me away?!"

I sighed, biting my lip. "He's not a nice guy, Calum."

"Yes he is! You're so wrong, oh my God. I've tried showing you this whole time, just because you're some asexual idiot who doesn't know a thing about love, doesn't mean you can get in the way of other people's relationships!"

"Asexual idiot? Wow, so much for being an accepting friend!"

"I didn't mean that. I just don't see why you're being like this."

He turned, starting to walk away, till I grabbed his shoulder. "Sorry Cal. I'm sorry. Why don't you call him out here and we can all get coffee together? I'll leave, even, if you want to." It was the least I could do. I felt awful knowing this new piece of news and yet letting Calum continue with his hopeless love but seeing his smile made me forget all of that.

"Thanks. You don't have to leave. It might be awkward with just the two of us."

He hurried inside whilst I waited outside, resurfacing with a smirking Ashton whose arms were folded firmly across his muscular chest. "Thanks for inviting me, guys."

I walked behind them as they made small talk, and suddenly Ashton didn't look that bad. He was talking nicely, not with a growl in his voice, and he cracked a good few jokes, resulting in Calum not being able to stop giggling. Damn, he was so in love.

We entered the coffee shop and Ashton offered to pay for us. I rolled my eyes, ordering a simple latte, whilst they both decided to get the same drinks.

If Ashton liked Michael, then why was he getting all close to Calum?

Maybe he was planning something. Maybe he wanted Michael to be jealous, maybe he was using Calum to get close, or maybe, just maybe, he actually liked them both and was having difficulty choosing.

I got rid of those thoughts and focused on cooling down my latte. We all sat around this small coffee table, me texting back all those girls from last night.

"Luke, why don't you invite Michael over? I think we should hang out as a four more, last night was really fun," Ashton suddenly said, breaking my train of thought halfway through the sentence I was typing about not actually being in this girl's maths class, and so not knowing what her homework was.

I looked at Calum, who appeared slightly disappointed that Ashton was asking about Michael, but I thought it would be a good wake up call for him if he saw what Ashton's true intentions were. "Er... I'm pretty sure he won't be out of bed yet. Not much point in calling if he won't pick up."

"Well, if you won't call, I'll call."

Calum perked his head up. "Wait, you already have his number?" He was probably surprised since he hadn't asked Calum for his number yet.

"Yeah, we, erm, exchanged them on the way home yesterday," Ashton replied, already dialling Michael. "Oh hey Michael, you busy? Cool, why don't you come into town and join Calum, Luke and I for coffee? Nice, see you in a bit. Done. He's coming," he said hanging up. Calum's eyes flickered to his hands which were sitting in his lap. I genuinely felt so bad for him, yet had no idea what to do.

Calum and Michael weren't that close, as Michael was in the year above, the same as Ashton. I was only friends with Michael because we had the same taste in music, and we were both members of our school's rock appreciation society.

"I'm just gonna head to the loo," Calum said calmly, heading towards the back of the café. Ashton's expression completely changed.

"So, Luke. How did I do? I'm good at acting, aren't I?" he asked with a devilish grin. I ignored him, sipping on my untouched coffee. "Thought so."

The rest of the day was quite uneventful, to say the least. Michael came, Ashton talked to them both, I tagged along behind, knowing that the relationships between the three people in front of me would be very, very complicated.


On Monday morning, Calum came to my house as usual and watched whilst I downed my breakfast. He was all jittery, excited yet apprehensive, about asking Ashton out to the park later.

"Just. Ask."

"I... I don't think I can. I'm so fucking nervous. Like, I can hardly breathe right now. Can you do me another favour, Luke? Can you ask him for me?"

"What the fuck?!"

My mum glared at me from the other side of the table. "Language, Luke."

I ignored her and continued. "No Calum, I can't ask him for you. I've done one too many favours for you and nothing is happening."

"Pleeeeeease, this'll be the last one! I'll be less nervous after this. Anyway, it's so easy for you, you're not crushing hard on him right now."

I rolled my eyes and we left to go to school.


At lunch, I headed upstairs to the Year 12 classrooms, searching for Ashton. I found him standing by a locker with a few friends from his football team.

"Hey Ashton," I said, interrupting their chat.

"Oh, it's you, loverboy."

I resisted the urge to slap him. "Calum wants you to go to the park with him later."

He shooed his friends away and replied, "I'm only going if you and Michael go."


"Your choice."

I let out a deep sigh and screwed my eyes shut. "Fine."

Back to being the third wheel.


Lol at Calum XD

And 3rd wheel luke. I'm literally always 3rd wheel bc my two closest friends are going out, and my boyfriend never comes with, so I'm just there like 'want me to go or are you good'

Vote+comment for virtual 5sos snapback bc luke in a snapback is HOT

Kimmy xx

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