chapter 5

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Zach's P.O.V

I was sitting in Wyatt’s room. He had just finished telling me about his incident with the vampire chick. But I knew he was hiding something and that this wasn’t the full story because he looked paler than usual. I sat silently waiting for Wyatt to continue.

Ten minutes passed and he still hasn’t said a word, he looked deep in thought. I cleared my throat and that seemed to snap him out of his thoughts. He knew I was waiting for him to continue.

Wyatt opened his mouth then shut it again, he opened it once again to say something but nothing came out. I looked into his eyes and saw a little bit of fear and uncertainty. I instantly knew that he was in some kind of trouble, unless he was scared of the fact that he bit a girl but I seriously doubt that. I mean come on this is Wyatt we were talking about, the ladies would swoon at the sight of him. I decided to break the silence and ask him again what was wrong. I mean the only reason why he wouldn’t tell me is because he doesn’t trust me, or that he was afraid that I would abandon him if he needed help.

"Wyatt, you can trust me, you know that right?" I asked.

"I know" he said sighing.

"Then what’s wrong, I know there is something else so tell me I might be able to help you." I said.

He didn’t say anything he just sat there thinking. I sighed and said, "OK fine, how about you drink blood first then tell me what’s wrong." I handed him a bottle.

He didn’t take it, he just there staring at it and said, "I can’t."

I looked at him confused, "What do you mean you can’t?"

"Ever since I bit that girl I haven’t been able to drink blood. I tried different kinds but my body keeps on rejecting It." he said. "And I honestly don’t know what to do."

I stared at my brother. I was absolutely speechless. I had no idea what was going on with him.

"I'm sorry" Wyatt said.

I looked at him confused, "What for?" I asked.

"For being a trouble maker." he said. "I can’t believe I'm about to say this but I'm scared Zach."

I gawked at my brother, this was so unlike him. I think this is one of the few times that I've seen Wyatt scared. "It’s ok Wyatt." I said.

"No it’s not Zach. I'm always the one causing trouble while you’re the polite and quiet gentleman, and I know you probably hate me for causing trouble. And for that I'm really sorry." he said.

"Wyatt look at me, first of all you have nothing to be sorry for and second of all I don’t hate you, and as for you causing trouble it’s not so bad you actually bring excitement into my life. I mean if it wasn’t for you people would think that I'm boring to death, and that I'm a loser with no life." I said.

Wyatt laughed a bit at my last comment, but his laughter didn’t last.

I sighed "I know your scared Wyatt and frankly I am to because I have no idea what’s going on with you but we'll figure it out together I promise." I said.

He looked at me and smiled softly, "Thanks Zach."

I hugged my brother and then pulled away and said, "Now let’s go and tell dad and he will definitely know what to do and don’t worry I will stand next to you through every step of the way."


Hello my lovelies here is chapter 5 hope you enjoy it.

we drank from each other now we're blood matesWhere stories live. Discover now