chapter 7

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Ch 7

Selena's P.O.V

I was standing in the lobby of the huge building of the royal court with Caspian. My father was talking to one of the guys that work here. The place was extremely beautiful and huge. The walls were light brown, there were many different court rooms all along the never ending hallway (it’s really long). But what caught my attention was that the place was filled with double the amount of guards which means that another royal family was here. I was going restless with all this waiting and the lack of blood was making me extremely tired. After what seemed to be hours my father came back and told us to come in. Caspian and I entered court room #5 (it looks like a normal court room).

I was looking around the room when a man with blonde hair, blue eyes, and an extremely well built body came up to my father.

"Zane" My father said, "It’s so good to see you my dear friend."

"Leo, it’s so good to see you again." Zane said shaking my father’s hand.

He then looked at me and said, "And this beautiful young lady must be princess Selena." He came and stood in front of me and said, "Princess, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you." he took my hand and kissed it.

"Thank you" I said "It’s a pleasure to meet you to."

"Well then why don’t you have a seat so that we could deal with the situation at hand?" Zane said.

We went and sat down on one side of the room. I noticed a table and a set of chairs on the other side of the room across from us.

"Caspian, for who is this table?" I asked.

"I don’t know. It’s supposed to be just us." he said.

Just as he finished this sentence the door opened and in came the last person I expected to see.

"OMG" I gasped.

And just I said this the person's eyes landed on me.


Wyatt’s P.O.V

Today’s the day that I've been waiting for. I would finally find the vampire chick, and hopefully find a solution as to why I can’t drink blood.

I was standing outside court room #5 waiting for the guards to escort us in. My father was talking to a man named Zane. While Zach stood next to me and he seemed deep in thought. As for me, I was pacing in front of Zach and looking around at the excess amount of guards. I mean the only reason why there would be more guards is because there is another royal family here somewhere.

"Wyatt would you stop pacing your driving me crazy" Zach said.

"Sorry it’s just that I'm really nervous."

My father came back and stood next to me.

"Where is Zane??" I asked my father.

"He went to meet someone." My father said.

Suddenly the doors opened and a guard came and motioned for us to enter.

I was looking around the room when I heard a gasp and someone saying "OMG" I looked around for the person and my eyes fell upon a face I never expected to see so soon.

"Holy shit" I said.


Zach's P.O.V

As we entered the room Wyatt and I were looking around the room when I heard and gasp and an "OMG". I was going to look around for the person when I heard Wyatt say "Holy shit". I looked at Wyatt and saw that he was staring at an extremely beautiful girl. I shook my head at Wyatt he was probably thinking of a way to get her to go out with him.

I was about to nudge Wyatt but I noticed the shock on both Wyatt and the girls faces. It’s like neither one of them expected to see the other here or anywhere else.

The room was suddenly filled with silence and everyone was staring at Wyatt and the girl. As for Wyatt and the girl they just kept staring at each other with wide shocked eyes and mouths hanging open, well at least Wyatt’s mouth was open. I was wondering if one of them was going to speak up. After another moment of stunned silence I noticed the girls wide shocked eyes turned into a glare. And before anyone had time to react she was standing in front of Wyatt with the angry look still on her face. And I have to say even when she's angry she looks extremely beautiful and cute.

Now that she was actually standing in front of us I had time to look her over. She had bluish grayish eyes. Her hair was brownish honeyish. She was about 6, 2. She was wearing an elegant pink dress that clung to her body and showed her curves and fell to her knees. She wore a pair of pink heels to match her dress. But what caught my attention was that she didn’t show much cleavage and I instantly knew that she didn’t like dressing up as a slut, and that she was in fact not a slut. I was pulled away from my thoughts by her voice.

"YOU" she said, shoving Wyatt lightly "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TROUBLE YOU CAUSED ME???"

As soon as these words left her mouth Wyatt's expression changed to anger. But before he had time to say anything two guards came up to her and she turned and glared at one of them and said, "Don’t touch me." she then turned to the other one who had his hands extended just inches from her flawless skin and said, "Paws off." I watched in amusement as the two guards stepped back.

She then turned to Wyatt and said," Well do you know how much trouble you caused me??"

Wyatt looked angrier by the second but instead of answering her question he asked one of his own and said, "HOW MUCH TROUBLE I CAUSED YOU?? WHAT ABOUT THE TROUBLE THAT YOU CAUSED ME?? HUH??"

Before she had time to answer back two men who I assume where her father and brother came and stood next to her.

"Selena" her father said "Do you know him??"

So that’s her name Selena. It’s such a beautiful name just like her and it suited her perfectly. I found myself once again mesmerized by her beauty. I snapped out of my thoughts by my father’s voice.

"Wyatt do you know her??" My father asked.

They stared at each other and then they both answered at the same time

"Of course I know him he was the one that bit me" Selena said.

"Of course I know her she was the one that bit me" Wyatt said.

"What!!!" both our fathers said.

Suddenly out of nowhere Zane came and said, "Princess Selena, Prince Wyatt, king Leo, King Vincent please all of you calm down and let us handle this like adults."

"Fine" Selena snapped.

"Good now why don’t you, Wyatt, Zach, and Caspian wait outside while I discuss things with your dads."

A guard came and escorted us out of the court room and into a waiting room. Well this should be interesting.


Finally Selena and Wyatt met but there is a decision to made wonder what's it going to be.


we drank from each other now we're blood matesWhere stories live. Discover now