Chapter 21

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Selena's P.O.V

"Hey Selena" Susan said as she poked her head inside my room.

"Hey susan, what's up?" I said looking up from the stack of papers that I've been working on. Being next in line to the throne means that I had look over everything in order to practice for when I became queen.

"Get ready, we're going out" she said.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're going to attend a Zumba class then we're going dress shopping for Ally 18th birthday party." She said.

"All right just give me ten minutes. I'll finish these papers then we'll go."

"Ok sure, no problem. I'll wait for you in the living room." She said closing the door behind her. I finished filling out the papers, returned them in the folder and went to meet Susan in the living room.

"Hey Susan, are you ready?" I asked as I entered the living room.

"Yup, come on let's go." She said.

-------2 hours later-----------

"Hey Susan, how about we check out this one." I said pointing to a dress shop that wasn't available back at my kingdom.

"Hmm, ya sure." She said while typing away on her phone.

"Hey, you've been texting for the last hour. Who the hell are you texting anyway?" I said frustrated.

"Uh, what, I'm not texting anyone." She said .

"You're texting him aren't you?" I asked

"I don't know who you're talking about."

"Yes you do, your texting your mate. He's here isn't he?" I asked excited all of a sudden. I started looking around trying to figure out which one was her mate.

"Relax will you, yes I'm texting my mate. What are you doing ?" She asked when she saw me looking around me.

"I'm trying to see if I can figure out which one is your mate." I said still looking at all the males around us.

"Are you seriously looking around to figure out who my mate is?" She asked laughing at me.

"Well duh" I said.

"I promise to let you meet him when I'm ready" she said.

"Ok fine, let's go eat then I'm hungry." I said as I started dragging her towards the food court. We had Chinese for lunch and then visited a few more shops that are not available in my kingdom and thankfully we both managed to find dresses for Ally's birthday party and we even managed to buy her a present as well and around 8 o'clock in the evening we went back to home.

-----Wyatt's P.O.V-----

"Man today was such a long and tiring day" Zach said as we sat in the living room waiting for dinner to be ready.

"Ugh I know man. Who knew meeting could be so draining" I grumbled as I leaned my head back on the couch. We've been to four different meeting since the morning and each meeting took around 2 hours. Heck we didn't even get a chance to eat lunch so we were starving and on top of that I didn't get a chance to see Selena today. This made my mood worse than it is, especially since I didn't get a chance to kiss her, man she was such a good kisser and it didn't help that she had soft, full, and plump lips. Just thinking about kissing her made me realize just how much I missed her during the day. Thoughts of us have been roaming around in my head throughout the day, and I wondered what we were to each other, I mean we are bloodmates but we kissed so I didn't really know what that makes us. What I did know for sure is that I definitely don't want to share her with anyone. However, since we weren't a couple I couldn't really tell her not to be another guy. Hmm maybe I should ask her to be my girlfriend, but what if she didn't want to be my girlfriend. Heck I didn't even know if I wanted her to be my girlfriend. Wait, does she even like me in a romantic way. I mean I am handsome, sexy, hot, and rich what's not to like right. Selena cares more about personality than looks and money my subconscious reminded me, but I have a good personality I mean come on I'm nice right. Ugh this is so annoying why do relationships have to be so complicated. Great now I sound like a girl who is worrying about whether a guy likes her or not. I was pulled out of my thoughts of Selena when I felt something hit my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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