chapter 6

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Selena's P.O.V

I was standing outside my dad's office wondering if I should go in. Caspian was standing next to me smiling encouragingly at me to go in.

I glared at him this was his plan to tell my father, MY FATHER. When Caspian said I wouldn’t like his plan boy was he right. In fact I hate his plan; this is the worst plan ever. My father would get furious, kill me then put my head on the platter.

"Come on Selena" Caspian said, "Let’s just get this over with."

"Fine" I sighed.

I entered the room to be greeted warmly by my father.

"Ah Selena my dear, how are you? Are you okay? You look paler than usual." My father said.

"Actually daddy, I'm not ok, I'm in trouble actually." I said.

"Trouble?  What kind of trouble? Come my dear, have a seat and tell me all about It." he said motioning for me to take a seat.

I took a seat and explained everything that happened to my father. After I was done I looked at my father to see his reaction. And surprisingly he looked thoughtful not angry. My father was quiet for a moment until he said, "Well then since this boy is not from our kingdom I guess there is only one way to find him."

"How are you going to find him daddy?" I asked.

"Ah sweetie the answer is quiet simple; we will consult the royal court and ask them to find this boy."

I stared at my father in shock. He was consulting the royal court. The royal court responsible for all three kingdoms (The Van Der Woodsens, the Archibald’s, and the Crawford’s.)

(The Crawford’s kingdom is ruled by King Edward and Queen Rachel until their daughter is ready to take her place as queen. More will be revealed.)

I looked at Caspian and he seemed just as shocked as I was. Neither of us thought this was serious to the point that the royal court would be consulted. My father looked at me and said, "Well don’t look so shocked, you said the boy wasn’t from our kingdom so the royal court will help. I will call and take an appointment for tomorrow." he said.

Caspian and I stood to leave but before I left the room I heard my dad mumble something like "It better not be an Archibald."

Wyatt’s P.O.V

I had just finished telling my dad the story of what happened and boy was he frustrated. He asked Zach to leave so he could talk to me but just like Zach promised me he stayed with me the entire time.

After a few moments of silence my dad calmed down and looked at me with a solemn face and said, "Well I guess we have to go to the royal court and ask them to find this girl since she's from another kingdom."

Zach and I stared at him with our mouths hanging open. He was consulting the royal court which means that this situation was very serious.

"We'll go tomorrow and see what they have to say about this." my father said. And with that we left my dad, and as the door was closing I heard my dad mutter something like "She better not be a van der woodsen."

Zach and I headed to the living room hoping that everything was going to be okay and that the royal court would find a solution as to why I can’t drink blood.


we drank from each other now we're blood matesWhere stories live. Discover now