Chapter 18

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"Selena? Caspian? What are you doing here." My best friend Ally asked. My eyes widened in shock because I had no idea that she would be here, and no idea at all what to tell her. I mean I still wasn't allowed to tell her about Wyatt and I.

I looked at Wyatt, Zach, and Susan and saw them all with their eyes widened in shock.

"Well?" Ally asked.

"I-i-" I stuttered trying to think of something fast and the only thing that came to mind was OH CRAP.


Selena's P.O.V

"Selena?" Dylan asked coming from the kitchen and going to stand next to Ally. "What are you doing here?"

"Crap" I mumbled.

"You see" I started "That's a very interesting question." I said.

"And the answer to it is?" Cody asked coming out of nowhere (in case you forgot Dylan and Cody are Ally's older Brothers)

"She's here to help me get ready for my date." Susan said coming to my rescue.

"I thought your date was tomorrow." Cody said.

"It is."

"Ok, so why is Selena here today?" Dylan butted in.

"I'm sleeping over." I said.

"Oh Susan, Steven is going to go crazy when he sees you after Selena is done dressing you up." Ally said.

I smirked at Susan while she just snorted in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'm not so sure I want you to dress here up now that I heard what Ally said." Wyatt said.

"Oh hush you." I said glad that they seemed to buy the lie. I felt kind off bad for lying to my best friend but I didn't really have a choice. The rest of the night was spent watching movies and chatting. At midnight the Crawford's left and I turned to glare at the guys.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that Ally and her brothers were here?" I said glaring at Wyatt and Zach.

"Whoa, why the hell are you angry at us only." Wyatt said.

"Yeah, Susan didn't tell you too." Zach said

"So you should be mad at her too not just us." They both said at the same time.

"Ok, first off all don't do that it's kinda creepy, and second off all Susan is letting me dress her up for her date so she's off the hook." I said.

"Whoa, hold up princess. You are not dressing me up for my date." She said.

"What??? But you said that I was." I said pouting.

"Yeah, well I just said that to help you since those to idiots were just standing there doing nothing."

"I don't care, you agreed to let me dress you up. And besides you heard Ally. Your boyfriend won't be able to take his eyes of off you after I'm done." I said.

"My answer is no."

"Oh come on." I whined. "Just let me dress you up this once and if he doesn't like it then you have my permission to slap me. HOWEVER if he does like it then I get to dress you up for more and more occasions Deal?"

"If he doesn't like it I get to slap you?" she asked.

"Yup, there will be no hard feelings." I said. "Oh and you can't lie and say that he didn't like it just because you want to slap me. So do we have a deal?" I asked extending my hand for her to shake.

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