Chapter 6: Jason's life story

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Chapter 6: Jason's life story

"My brother... he was basically like my Dad but... I thought of him more as my big brother." I played with my fingers. "When I was little... I was abandoned. I never knew who my mom and dad were. Apparently my mom... well, lets just say... got sexually assulted by my dad. My dad was a criminal on the loose too. He was a murderer. My mom got kidnapped by him. She managed to escape, and weeks later she found out she was pregnant with me..." Jess looked at me with a 'oh my gosh' look. "When my mom told her parents, she was kicked out and ended up on the streets. She didn't believe in abortion, so she did everything she could to keep me and herself alive. She had to steal food, not only to feed herself, but to feed me too..." I could see tears in Jess's eyes. "When she went into labour, she was thankfully found by nurses at a nearby café, so they took her to the hospital where then I was born... Next day, my mom got out of the hospital, found a little cardboard box, put me in it, and wrote a full note as to why she couldn't look after me... After that, she put me on a doorstep, rang the bell, and ran off..." I looked up at Jess who was wiping her eyes about to burst out into tears at any minute.

"Jason I am so sorry..." She pulled me into a really tight hug, a hug that I wish I could've stayed in forever. "What happened next...?"
"What happened next? That's when I first met Alex, my brother. At the time, I was a newborn. He was like 6. Him and his dad answered the door, but little did I know, they were a family of illegal bombers. His dad, picked me up and read the note. They took me in. Alex, even though he was very young, he took care of me, because his dad was too busy making illegal bombs."
"Alex was very caring" Jess gave me a smile. "Yeah... he was... as time went on, I was growing up and so was he. I was 7. He was 13. The police caught his dad, but me and Alex managed to escape and hide-out. Alex and I... we were just so close... He protected me. He fed me, but most all, he actually loved me... He was the only person in my life I had. I called him my big brother, because he always used to call me "lil bro". He tucked me in at night, he sang me songs, he said he loved me..." I shed a tear. "But he got revenge on the police for arresting his dad. Alex, was a bomber too. He bombed basically everything..."

"He was the one who taught you how to wire and plant bombs...?" I looked at Jess.
"Then what happened..?"
"One night, him and I were sleeping in this very house. The police found us and set fire to the place. This was just a few weeks ago... I'm 16, he was 22... They smoked us out but, he gave his life..." I tried not to cry. "He barged into my room and grabbed me. He picked me up, bridal style. Fire caught onto his back. He threw me out the back of this place and he told me to run for it, but I couldn't leave him. I saw him fall to the ground in flames. His last words were, 'I love you Jason, now run. GO!' I quickly said I loved him too, and I ran for it. I ran for hours on end, then I collapsed in a forest... I had no choice but to leave my brother there..." I could see Jess was crying.

"Jason I am so sorry..."
"It's okay, really..."
"But how did you meet Johnson?" I sighed. "When I woke up, I was in a house. I didn't know what was happening. I started to panic. I found out that Johnson was a close friend of Alex's, which I never knew about. He told me that he'd take care of me now. He said I could call him Dad if I wanted to."
"Do you call him Dad?"
"No, I mean... he just feels like a close friend to me..."
"How do you know all this...? Like how did you know your mom and dad abandoned you and stuff?"
"It said all that happened in the note, what my mom went through and that. I always keep the note in my pocket..." I stood up and pulled the note out, handing it to Jess.

I read the note that Jason gave me. It read:
"Dear whoever finds this little boy. Please take care of him, for I am unable to. Give him a nice name, look after him but most of all, love him. I was kicked out of my home after my parents found out I was pregnant, since I was only 15 at the time. His father was a criminal, who was soon given the death penalty in prison. I was fighting for my life on the streets, when I went into labour, some nurses at a nearby café were nice enough to take me to the hospital. I did everything I could to keep me and my little boy alive. I can't take care of him, because I don't want him to have a street life. He deserves to have a real home. Make sure you treat him well. Nurture him, give him a life he deserves. Tell him that his mother loves him, and give him lots of cuddles and kisses."

I couldn't help but cry. "So... Alex named you..?" Jason nodded, I saw Jason in tears sitting next to me. I wrapped my arms around him. "Let it out... let it all out..." I rubbed his back as we cried together. It was at least an hour before he got it all out. "I miss my brother! I wish I knew who my mom and dad were! I wish I had a family! I wanna be loved! I wanted to be a normal teenage boy, but no. I HAD TO BE RAISED LIKE THIS, AND I'LL BE LIKE THIS, ON THE RUN FROM THE LAW FOREVER!"
"Jason, you can change..."
"No... no I can't... I have to do this for Alex. I have to get revenge..." I sighed and looked down. "I wanna go to the funeral garden tomorrow..."
"What. why?" Jason got up and looked at me. "Is your brothers grave there...?" He nodded.
"I just wanna stop by and visit..."
"Awwww Jason..." I smiled with tears in my eyes. "That's a great idea..." Jason gave me a slight smile. "I love revenge you know."
"Yeah, I can tell..."

I got up and followed Jason out to the kitchen where Johnson was sitting at the table. "Did you get in there Jason?"
"Shut up moron." I let out a laugh and rolled my eyes. "We have to go into town..."
"Jason are you crazy?! We'll get caught!" Johnson stood up.
"Not with disguises" I raised and eyebrow at Jason. "What are we going into town for...?" He gave me an evil grin.
"For more weapons and bombs and a new car" Jason put on a hoodie, covering his head before walking outside and headed for town. Johnson and I followed him. But what would happen if they find out that, the boy with the hoodie on was Jason McCann? What if we got caught...?

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