Chapter 8: Jason's driving lesson

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Chapter 8: Jason's driving lesson

"JASON NO!!!" I tackled Jason down to the ground, grabbing the grenade he still had in his hand. "JESS LET IT GO!" I held on to the grenade as Jason pulled me closer to him, so close that our foreheads were touching. We were looking each other in the eyes. Jason shook his head and tried getting me off of him. "GIVE ME THE GRENADE!"
"I WON'T LET YOU BOMB A FUNERAL!" I got up, pulling Jason up with me. We both had our hands on the grenade. We were in a tangle over it. "LET IT GO!"
"JESS!!!" Suddenly Jason pulled it so hard it pulled me to him, causing me to crash into him so we both fell in the bush. "UGH JESS!"
"IM NOT GONNA LET YOU-" All of a sudden, I heard a big explosion go off. I looked up and saw the funeral go up in flames. Me and Jason dropped our jaws while we watched the sky get covered with black smoke.

"There." We both looked up at Johnson who was dusting himself off, with a smile on his face like he was proud of what he just did. "JOHNSON!!"
"Ugh!" Jason looked at the grenade in his hand. "Um, Jess..."
"What...?" I looked down, and I realized me and Jason's hands were touching. I quickly let go of the grenade and cleared my throat. I decided to grab Jason's arms to help him up. I watched him as he dusted himself off. "What's that..." I looked at Johnson. "What's what...?"
"SHH!" I looked at Jason who looked at me, he went wide eyed. I could hear the sound of sirens in the background. "COPS!!"
"GET IN THE CAR!" The 3 of us quickly ran towards the car.

I jumped into the back seat, quickly closing the door. I watched as Johnson get into the passanger seat and Jason's into the drivers. Jason froze. "Can you drive?!"
"YOU DONT NEED ONE YOU'RE A CRIMINAL!" Johnson made Jason step on the accelerator. "BUT I DONT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!"
"JUST TRY!" I was sitting in the back of the car scared for my life. I mean, Jason couldn't drive at all, which means I'd be in God's waiting room soon enough. Jason accidently went off road, driving through a garden. "JASON LOOK OUT FOR THE HOUSE!" Johnson quickly got hold of the steering wheel, steering us clear of the house but causing us to do a side-ways flip.We landed back onto the road. "Everyone ok..?" I sat back up shaking. "NO!" The windows of the car were all smashed and broken, and the car was covered in dents. "You're a... terrible driver..." Johnson sat up back in his seat. I looked behind us and saw a huge flock of police cars coming us. I gasped. "JOHNSON, STEP ON IT!!" Jason screamed. "Um, Jason... you're the one driving..."
"JUST STEP ON IT!!" I caused Jason to jump, yelling at him to step on it. He pushed the accelerator, causing us to go over 100mph. "JASON YOU DRIVE LIKE A GIRL!!" I gasped, crossing my arms. "No offense Jess..." I rolled my eyes as we sped down the high way, dodging cars as best as Jason could.

We ended up going faster and faster, the police right on our tails. I looked up at the sky and saw a news helicopter. "THERE'S A HELICOPTER IN THE AIR CHASING US!!"
"Not on my watch." Johnson leaned into the back seat and grabbed a grenade from the bag. He pulled the pin with his teeth, throwing it up to the helicopter from the car window. I watched as the helicopter explode into flames. "JESS, THROW A GRENADE AT THE COP CARS NOW!"
"JUST DO IT!!" All of a sudden I heard a gunshot and a bullet come right through the back window, straight past Johnson and Jason's heads through the windscreen.
"DO IT!!!!"
"FINE!" I grabbed a grenade and pulled the pin. I closed my eyes, throwing it into the police cars. I watched as a firey heap of police cars exploded. "I'm so gonna regret that..." I sighed and sat foward. "Good job Jess." I sighed.
"Yeah... whatever..."

I started to slow down. "We lost them... hey I think I'm getting used to this whole driving thing..." Just when I thought I was getting the hang of it, a big helicopter blade flew across the car. I swerved trying to avoid it, but I ended up losing control of the car. I drove off road and through a forest. "WATCH OUT FOR THOSE TREES!!" I steered clear of the trees, all of a sudden we were flying through the air. "YOU IDIOT YOU DROVE US OFF A CLIFF!"
"BRACE YOURSELVES!!" We were all screaming as we felt the impact. We were dropping, and dropping fast. As we were about to land, everything from there, turned black...

I woke up with Johnson and Jess looking over me. "Jason you're okay!"
"What just happened..." I looked at them. "You passed out from the impact and you hit your head..." I stood up looking around. "Where are we...?" I looked around and all I could see was trees. "Oh great another forest..." I touched my forehead. "ow..."
"Are you okay...?" I looked at Jess who was giving me a worried look. "Yeah... I'm fine" I looked over at the car, that was completely wrecked. "Oh shit..."
"Now there's a lesson here, never let Jason drive your car" I looked at Johnson rolling my eyes.

"Guess we should start up another camp!" I watched as Jess was gathering a bundle of branches. I felt Johnson put his arm around me. "Why don't you tell her Jason?"
"Tell her what...?"
"Tell her that you like her, and ask her on a date!"
"WHAT?! NO! YOU'RE CRAZY!" Johnson just stood there smiling at me. "Oh shut up." I walked off and sat on a tree root alone. "Another forest... this all just keeps repeating itself..." I sighed and looked over at Jess. I smiled. Maybe I should tell her how I really feel... and ask her on a date. It's not that hard to ask and tell someone that, right...? I smiled to myself.

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