Chapter 14: Letting go

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Chapter 14: Letting Go

I sat next to Jason beside Johnson's lifeless body. Jason was lying ontop of Johnson and kept on telling him to wake up. I started crying. Lisa sat beside me with tears in her eyes. "Johnson come on... wake up... please wake up... please you're all I have..." I wrapped my arms around Jason, pulling Jason away from Johnson. "Jason... Johnson isn't gonna wake up..."
"Yes he is... yes he is HE HAS TO!" Jason had tears overflowing from his eyes. I pulled him into a tight hug, looking over at Lisa who was crying herself. "Jason pulled himself away from me and walked off into the forest. "Jason where are you going...?" He didn't answer me. I sighed, following him.

I ran my fingers through my hair, letting tears escape my eyes. Now they've taken everything away from me. I was on my own. "Jason!" I heard Jess calling out to me. I turned around and yelled. "GO HOME JESS. JUST GO HOME!" Jess looked at me shocked. "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME I SAID GO HOME!" I watched as Jess ran off crying, grabbing Lisa on her way. I sighed shaking my head. Who am I kidding. I wasn't on my own. I had Jess, and I just pushed her away. I decided to run after her. "JESS! JESS WAIT!" I saw her freeze and turn around. "Jess I'm... I'm sorry..." She just looked at me not saying a word. "Jess... I'm sorry... I've lost everyone... my mom... my dad... my brother, and now Johnson..." I tried to hold back tears. "I can't lose you too..." Jess gave me a look as if to say 'that is so sweet'. I walked up to her and Lisa. "I won't last 1 minute on my own..."
"I know.. you can't even drive a car..." She laughed. I smiled slightly.

"Jason... I'm so sorry about Johnson. I know he was like your best friend and..." I looked down.
"It's ok..." I felt Jess pull me into another tight hug, a hug that lasted for what felt like ages. Lisa wiped her eyes. "You two are so cute..." I gave Lisa a little smile as Jess pulled away. "Where are we gonna go...? We always keep ending up in random forests..." Jess looked down thinking for a while. "You can come stay at mine."
"What?!" Me and Lisa looked at Jess. "Yeah like your folks would love that!"
"I'll hide you."
"But Jess... how are we gonna get home? It's dark and none of us can drive..."
"I can try again... this time we'll cruise..." Jess sighed and nodded. "Alright but I'm trusting you okay?" I walked towards the car, getting into the drivers seat. I saw Jess climb into the passanger side and Lisa got into the back. "Lisa, if I were you I'd put your seatbelt on..." Jess let out a nervous laugh. "No it's okay I've got this..." I looked around. "How do you start these things..." Jess sighed.
"You turn the key that's beside the steering wheel." Lisa leaned her body into the front. "Yeah and the steering wheel is that big black-"

I sat there with both hands on the wheel, tearing up yet again. "Jason...?" Losing Johnson broke my heart. Thousands of memories went through my head of me and him and what we did the past few days with Jess. "Are you okay...?"
"...... yeah. yeah I'm... I'm fine..." I turned the key that was in the ignition, making the car start. I took a deep breath clearing my head. I knew I was gonna have to let Johnson go, it was like Alex all over again. I started to drive slowly, making sure I actually stayed on the road this time.

The car ride was awkward. Jason didn't say a word and Lisa fell asleep. I still couldn't believe that Johnson wouldn't be around anymore. Even though I only knew him a few days, he was an amazing guy, and losing him, broke me. I sighed. "So um... how's your arm...?"
"It's fine..."
"That's good then..." I sat back looking out the window. I saw the sun coming up. I realized I haven't slept for a whole day and I wasn't even tired. I heard Jason sigh. "Where's your house...?"
"Right down that street" I pointed into a street pointing out my house. Jason pulled up into my drive-way. He stopped the car. "Well... bye..."
"Aren't you gonna come in...?" Jason looked at me. "...No..." I took off my seat belt and turned to face Jason. "I'm not gonna leave you on your own..."
"Your family will call the cops as soon as I step foot in your house!" I looked down and put my hand on Jason's. "I love you Jason. I'm not leaving you... I'll sneak you out the back and climb you into my window. They won't know." Jason looked at me with a blank expression. "Fine..." He took off his seatbelt getting out of the car. I got out and opened the back door, shaking Lisa to wake her up. "Lisa! Lisa wake up!" She jumped. "WHAT YEAR IS THIS?!" I raised my eyebrow. "It's gonna be 3012 if you won't get out of the car come on!" I watched Lisa as she got out of the car, having a stretch and a yawn. I rolled my eyes and walked back over to Jason. "Go around the back to that window there." I pointed Jason to a window as he nodded at me running over to it. "See ya Jess I'm going home..." I waved at Lisa as she walked off down the street back to her home. I quickly walked into my house and sneaking to my room. My mom would be asleep by now.

When I got to my room I saw Jason standing outside my window. I quickly opened it and helped him climb in. He fell to the floor but quickly got up dusting himself off. He stood up, kissing me on the cheek. "Thanks for this Jess." Jason was looking around. "Nice room..."
"Ha thanks..." I sat on my bed watching Jason look around exploring. I started growing nervous overthinking what my mom would do if she ever found out my boyfriend was the world's most wanted criminal who I was hiding in her house.

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