Part 2

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This is what her hair looks like when it is done being braided.

*3rd person pov* 

Some jonin and a few chunin were around the pink crystal case in the middle of the room. The hokage stared down at it, all he could see was blonde hair that circled it from top to bottom. He couldn't see what was inside, it has been an hour and everyone has tried opening it. 

"It's impossible to open," one chunin said as he panted trying to catch his breath.

"So it seems," the Hokage mumbled sadly, out of no where they heard a crash. They all looked at the case and saw a fist popping out. The hand went back in and thud, the crystal top flew off and landed at the other side of the room. Everyone had their guards up and was cautious except the hokage. A cute yawn was heard causing them all to blush and up came a girl, she rubbed her eyes and looked around. The hokage's eyes widen, 'she looks just like her, who is she?' he thought. 

"Who here's name is Hiruzen Saratobi?" The girl in the case asked. 

"That would be me," the hokage said walking up to her.

"I'm supposed to give this to you," she said as she handed him a piece of paper. The Hokage took it and read it. 'Her daughter huh,' he thought. 

"Would you like to stay in the leaf village?" I asked her. 

"I would love to," she said with a smile, the girl then got out of the case and onto the floor. She was standing right beside it. She was almost as tall as Naruto but a bit shorter.  "My name is Yuri Kimiko, nice to meet all of you," Yuri said with a smile. Everyone blushed at how adorable she is. 

"How old are you?" Iruka asked.

"Uhm, what's the date?" Yuri asked. 

"November 3rd," the hokage replied. 

"I just turned twelve yesterday," Yuri said with a smile.

"She's to adorable for her own good," Kuranai whispered to Asuma.

"Yea," he whispered back. Yuri then looked at the case which was still covered in her hair she backed up a little bit, the ninja's watched carefully. She tugged on her hair and her hair started to slip out of the case little by little. After 5 minuted of her tugging on her hair all of it was out of the case and free. 

"How longs her hair?" Mizuki whispered to Iruka.

"I have no clue but it looks long," he whispered back.

"How long is your hair Yuri?" The hokage asked.

"Over 70 feet, why?" she asked. The ninja's mouths fell agape. The Hokage walked up to Yuri and kneeled down to her height.

"Who would you like to stay with?" He asked.

"I can chose anyone in here?" Yuri asked. The hokage nodded. Yuri walked through the jonin and chunin with her hair dragging behind her. Something or rather someone that was dressed in green caught her attention. She looked into that direction and walked right up to Gai and looked at him in wonder, Gai just stared back. Yuri's eyes dragged to the man beside him, he was wearing a mask and a headband covered one of his eyes, she looked him right in the eye and he looked back. 'Why's she looking at me like that?' Kakashi wondered.  "Him," Yuri stated as she pointed at Kakashi. Kakashi jumped in surprise.

"Kakashi? How come?" Hiruzen the third hokage asked.

"He looks lazy and he lasted longer then anyone else that I looked at did," Yuri stated.

"Lasted longer?" Gai mumbled.

"What do you mean?" The Hokage asked.

"He stared at me the longest, like he was trying to figure me out and he didn't break contact. Plus his hair looks really fluffy," Yuri said, everyone sweat dropped at her analysis including Kakashi. 

"Kakashi?" The hokage asked. Kakashi looked down at the girl and she looked directly at him, her eyes practically saying 'if you don't say yes I will murder you in your sleep and you know I will'. Kakashi sighed.

"Sure why not," he said lazily, Yuri smiled. 'Time to go off with mr. Lazy fluffy head,' Yuri thought she then glanced down to her hair. She then summoned a violin and started playing a song (Cue the music) as she played it her hair lifted up into the hair and braided it's self. Her hair was flying everywhere, the ninja's watched in awe as it happened. When her hair was finished her hair had flowers and was done is a four stranded braid (Looks like the picture at the top) They were amazed not only by her playing and magic but by what her hair looked like, it looked amazing.

(Skip to part where they play) 

____________________________________________________________________________________Hii! I hope you enjoy my story so far, don't forget to comment, vote and follow for more!

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