Part 32

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*Yuri's pov* 

'Hold on Hinata,' I thought as I sped through the trees.  Just then a big blue portal appeared. 'A portal?!' I thought as I tried to fly away. The force started to suck me in and I struggled to fly in the opposite direction. 'T-the force, i-it's to strong. At this rate i'll be. . .I'll be sucked in,' I thought as I grunted in effort to get out.  The force started pull me closer and closer. 'No,' I thought as I frantically flapped my wings. 'No!' I screamed to myself, by now I was half way in the portal.  My wings gave out and I started flying into the portal. 

"AHHHHH!" I screamed as I soared through the portal going in all directions. "AHH!" I screamed once again as I saw grass near a well, I put my hands out in front of me for some sort of protection. I slammed onto the ground face first. . . Not very lady like. I thought as my vision blurred, I saw my wings go from black back to white and my hair go back into the usual braided blonde style.  I sat up and swayed a bit.  "Ouch." I mumbled. 

*Third person pov* 

"I swear! I'll go back!" A black haired girl shouted at the half demon who was beside a monk a half fox and a girl with a boomerang on her back.

"What's that?!" The monk yelled as a portal opened, they all jumped back behind a bush. 

"AHHHH!" They heard someone scream,  they watched as a black haired girl with black wings fell out of the sky and landed with a thud. The girl landed face first and her hair changed to blonde and it was braided. Her wings turned white again.  Yuri whom they didn't know sat up and rubbed her head. "Ouch," she mumbled. When they got a good look at her face they all gasped, she was gorgeous. 

"She's so pretty," the girl with the boomerang said. 

"I wonder if she''ll bear my children," the monk murmured to himself. 

"Guys! She could be dangerous," the half demon snapped. 

"Hi! I'm Kagome!" Kagome said as she reached her hand out for the girl to take. Yuri looked at her and took her hand, Kagome pulled her up. Yuri smiled. 

"My name is Yuri, just out of curiosity where are we?" Yuri asked. 

"We're in the 15th century," Kagome said. "Where did you come from?" 

"World of ninja-HEY! No! I was transported! No,no,no,no" Yuri panicked. 

"Hey, calm down alright?" Kagome said. She suddenly blushed. 

"Huh?" Yuri mumbled. 

"Can I touch those?" Kagome asked. 

"Sure," Yuri said as she turned around. Kagome beamed as she touched her wings. 

"Wow! They're so soft!" She exclaimed. 

"She made friends with an unknown person," Inuyasha mumbled.  Just then Yuri felt something on her back. 

"HI!" The half fox said. "I'm Shippo," Shippo exclaimed. 

"I'm Yuri nice to meet you," Yuri said, Shippo got off and dragged her to the bushes. 

"The one with the dog ears is Inuyasha, the monk is Miroko, the girl is Sango and this one is Kirara," Shippo introduced.  Yuri giggled catching everyones attention.

"I'm Yuri!" Yuri said cutely causing them all to blush. Miroko grabbed her hand and got on one knee. 

"Will you bear my children?" Miroko asked. Sango smacked him on the head. 

"Idiot! She's so young!" Sango yelled. She turned towards Yuri. "How old are you?" She asked. 

"12," Yuri replied. 

"You hit on a 12 year old!" Sango and Kagome yelled as they started beating Miroko up. 

"I'm sorry," Miroko yelled as he rolled on the ground trying to avoid their attacks. 

"Are they always like this?" Yuri asked Inuyasha. 

"Yea," Inuyasha mumbled. "brat," he mumbled. Kagome smacked him on the head.  "OW!" He screamed. 

"Be nice to Yuri!" She yelled as she hugged Yuri. Shippo stuck his tongue out at Inuyasha. 

"Why you!" Inuyasha yelled as he was about to charge at Shippo. 

"Well, look what the trash brought in," a toad with a staff said as a man appeared behind him. 

"Seshomaru (Sp)" Inuyasha growled. 

"Well, this is awkward and all but I must be going," Yuri said turning all the attention to her as she turned around and began to walk. 

"Yuri? Where are you going?" Kagome asked.  Yuri turned around to look at her. 

"I need to get back, so to do that I either need to find that portal or summon a new ones until I find the right one," Yuri said. 

"Wait you can summon portals?" Sango asked. 

"Yea. . ." Yuri said. 

'This girl, she could be useful.' Sesshomaru thought. 

"Hand the girl over," he demanded. 

"You will not get Kagome!" Inuyasha growled. 

"Not her, her," Sesshomaru said as he pointed to Yuri. 

"Take her, I don't need her," Inuyasha said. 

"Inuyasha!" The girls screamed. 

"Summoning jutsu, I summon Lucifer," Yuri said. Sesshomaru's eyes widen. 

'She can't summon him, he's one of the strongest demons in the underworld, no the universe.' Sesshomaru thought. 

"Who're you?" Lucifer growled, Yuri rolled her eyes and turned back into her demon form. "M'lady." Lucifer said as he bowed, Yuri went back to her original form. 

"Where am I?" She asked. 

"Another universe," Lucifer answered. 

"How do I get back to my world?" Yuri asked. 

"Portal jumping," Lucifer said with a smirk. 

"Portal jumping," Yuri mumbled.  She extended her wings and flew up. "Thanks Lucifer! Bye you guys, it was nice meeting you!" Yuri yelled as she flew up higher and faster. She extended her arm and a portal opened.

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