Part 6

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*Yuri's pov* 

I realised I forgot a lunch, I quickly went back home. . .Yes with Kakashi.  I walked in and there I saw, cigarette man, red eyed woman and Gai with Kakashi.

"Yuri! My youthful flower! Please," he begged as he went on the floor. "Call me uncle Gai!" 

"Sure," I said, Uncle Gai beamed and spun me around causing me to giggle. His hands then slipped and I flew across the room.

"Yuri/ my beautiful youthful neice!"  They all yelled. I let my wings out and I came to a stop in the air, I flapped them and descended to the ground. All their eyes were wide.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"You have wings?" Kakashi breathed out.

"Yes I do, I need to go grab something to eat." I said, I then walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. 'What a bunch of weirdos.' I thought. I then walked to the couch and saw no room so I did what any rational person would do.  I sat on Kakashi's lap.  "So, who are you guys?" I asked gesturing to cigarette man and red eyes.

"I'm Asuma," the ciggerate man siad.

"I'm Kurenai," red eyes said. I smiled.

"It's nice to meet you," I said.

"Like wise," they all said.

"Well I need to go," Asuma said.

"Same," Gai and Kurenai said. They all left and I didn't move, I just stayed where I was on Kakashi's lap eating my apple.

"What're you doing?" He asked.

"Sitting and eating," I said taking a bite of my apple.

"Yea, but why did you sit on me?" Kakashi asked.

"Would you rather me sit on Uncle Gai?" I asked looking at him. His eye widen and he hugged me close to him and mumbled no.  "Hey, are you a sensei?" I asked.

"Yea," Kakashi replied. "Speaking of that we should get going, we're already 2 hours late." My eyes widen and I run and get my shoes on. I see Kakashi still on the couch and drag him out of the house. I stop and jump on his back.

"Do your poofy thing," I said. He sighed and just walked to the academy with me on his back sweat dropping.

When we got to the academy he poked his head in and an eraser fell on top of his head. 

"My first impression of you, is your all idiots," Kakashi said to I don't know. I peaked over his head and saw my team.

"Hey! I'm on your team!" I said crossing my arms and just about falling off.

"Correction, my first impression of you all. . .Is your all idiots. Exept for Yuri, better?" He asked.

"Yes," I said. 

"Why are you on Sensei's ba-" Naruto started yelling.

"Meet on the roof," Kakashi interrupted while poofing on the roof with me still on his back.  He poofed onto a railing, I screamed and fell off. I was holding onto the roof ledge. 

"Hey where's Yuri?" I heard Naruto ask.

"Down here! Someone dropped me," I growled. Kakashi looked at me and seat dropped mumbling something about how he thought I was still on his back. 

"Just fly back up," Kakashi said.

"She can't fly!" Sakura screeched.  I sighed and pulled myself up using my hands. I then sat on the railing with Kakashi, but not before I slapped him causing him to fall of the railing and land in a bush below.

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