Part 19

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*Yuri's pov* 

"I'm here!" I yelled as I ran up the hill to meet with Kiba's team, everyone stopped and looked at me. 

"Oh, good. We were just about to leave with out you," Kurenai sensei said. 

"Well, what can I say. I have a talent for this kind of stuff ya know," I said. They all laughed except Shino.  'Man, what does it take to make him laugh?' I thought.  I pulled Kiba and Hinata aside.  "Have you guys ever heard Shino laugh?" I asked.

"No," they both said, I sighed and then got a devious smirk on my face.

"Let's have a contest, the first person to make Shino laugh wins," I said.

"Wins what?" Kiba asked. 

"Special training by me, and if I win you guys have to buy me ramen," I said.

"Deal," Kiba said as we shook hands. 

"Hinata?" I asked, she blushed and shook her head no. 

"S-sorry," Hinata said. 

"It's alright," I said. 

"I'm so winning this," Kiba said with a cocky smirk on his face. 

"In your dreams pup," I said. He glared and I walked away and headed straight towards Shino. 

"Let's go," Kurenai sensei said rolling her eyes. I glanced at Shino. 'Oh man, this is gonna be so fun,'  I thought. 

*Third person pov* 

'Let the,' Yuri thought. 

'Competition begin,' Kiba thought as they both glared at each other. 

"The first mission we have to do is baby sit Yuro's children, since there are three children i'm putting you in groups. Yuri and Shino group one, Hinata and Kiba group two, me group three. I'll be baby sitting the youngest, Kiba and Hinata you guys get the second youngest and Yuri you guys get the oldest," Kurenai stated. "Any questions?" 

"Yea, how come I have to be here?" Yuri asked.

"You offered to help," Kurenai stated. 

"Why can't I be with Shino?" Kiba whined. 

"Cause I said so, now lets go," Kurenai said. Kiba anime cried and Yuri giggled. 

'How to make Shino laugh?' Yuri thought as she and Kurenai's team walked to the house. Kurenai knocked on the door and a lady around 30 opened it.

"Oh, are you guys here to baby sit?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm Yuri, this is Kiba, Shino, Hinata and Kurenai," Yuri said. 

"Ehm, Kurenai sensei," Kurenai corrected. 

"I'm a higher rank then you though," Yuri muttered, Kurenai got an anime vain and just walked inside the house. 

"Guys, the baby sitters are here, come," the woman said. "Oh i'm Yoro by the way." Only one kid came down and he was holding a baby. 

"I don't need a baby sitter, I'm old enough to take care of us!" They heard someone call out. 

"Just come down," Yoro said with an anime vain, he came down the stairs. 

"Shino, I think we got the rude one," Yuri whispered.

"Maybe," Shino said back.  While they were chatting the oldest 13 year old boy came down. He wasn't a ninja but if he was he'd have more fangirls then Sasuke. That's how good looking he was, he had brown hair and green eyes. (The pic) 

'She's beautiful.' He thought. He came down and walked beside his mother taking the baby from her and stared at Yuri. 

"Yuri, Shino stop talking," Kurenai scolded. 

'Yuri,' he thought. 'Hope she isn't another fangirl.' It was just then he noticed their headbands. 'Ninja? Interesting.' He thought. 

"Ehm, sorry. I'm Kurenai sensei, this is Kiba, Hinata, Shino and Yuri," Kurenai said. 

"I'm Kai, this is Jack and Lilly," Kai introduced still looking at Yuri.  "Forgive me for asking but don't ninja squads only have three students and one teacher?" Kai asked.

"Hm, oh yea. I''m just here helping out," Yuri said. Kai nodded. 

"I should get going now, have a good time and be safe," Yoro said while walking out of the door. 

"Okay, remember the plan everyone grab who you were assigned to," Kurenai said. Yuri and Shino walked up to Kai, Hinata and Kiba to Jack and Kurenai grabbed baby Lilly. 

"I'm gonna win," Kiba stated as Shino and her walked down the stairs with Kai following close behind. 

"In your dreams Pup," Yuri said as she turned around and smirked. "I have an advantage."

"What's that?" Kiba asked. 

"I'm with him right now and I know him better," Yuri said. 

"I'm his team mate! I know him better!" Kiba yelled, Shino sighed and threw Yuri over his shoulder. Kai glared as they walked out. 

"Why were you two fighting? You two are best friends," Shino said emotionlessly. 

"Want the truth or a lie?" Yuri asked sticking her hands behind her back and clasping them. 

"Truth," Shino said. 

"Well, we're having a competition," Yuri said looking up at the clouds. 

"About," Shino asked. 

"That's for me to know and you to find out," Yuri stated winking. "So Kai, what do you wanna do?" 

"I was gonna meet up with my friends," Kai muttered.  Yuri ran up to him with sparkles in her eyes and grabbed his hands, Kai blushed. 

"Where?" Yuri asked. 

"Uhm, the hokage monument the thirds head," Kai said kinda embarrassed. 

"Let's go!" Yuri yelled as she dragged Kai near Shino and put his arm around her. Poof! They transported there. The six others at the monument jumped, Kia fell and Yuri landed on her feet. Shino also landed on his feet.

'That girl,' Kai thought as he looked at Yuri. 

"Sorry Kai, I didn't think you'd land like that," Yuri said nicely as she helped him up. The six others looked at her in awe and in confusion. 

"Who're they?" Kai's friend Josh asked.

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