Part 34

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*Yuri's pov* 

 I sat down in the water with the girls and sighed. 


"Yuri, come we're  going to the hotsprings," Ino said, Sakura nodded. 

"Alright," I replied. 

*Flashback end* 

"Yuri who do you have a crush on?" Sakura asked. 

"Shino," Yuri said with a blush. They squealed. 


"I'm going to get out," Ino said. 

"Alright," I said as I looked her.  "Why?" 

"I need to go get some moisturizer," Ino said.

"Alright," I said. 'Somethings fishy.' I thought. 

*Third person pov* 

Ino went in and grabbed her bag, she stuffed her bag with Yuri's clothes. 

'This plan will be sure to bring Shino and Yuri together.' Ino thought. All the girls got out and Yuri came out last, the girls were waiting outside. 

"Hey you guys!" Naruto said as him and the guys came out of the hot springs. 

"Ino!" Yuri screetched. Yuri ran outside in her towel and up to Ino.  "You took my clothes didn't you." 

"No," Ino said. Ino looked at Sakura and blinked once, Sakura nodded and pushed Yuri. She stumbled and landed on Shino. They both fell to the ground, Yuri on top. Yuri opened her eyes and blushed, she went to get up but realized something was wrong.

'M-my towel,' Yuri thought she blushed and collapsed back onto Shino.  Naruto went to go lift Yuri of of Shino. 

"NOO!" Ino screetched, she had to realized what happened to her towel. 

"I'm just helping her up!" Naruto said as he grabbed Yuri. 

"Naruto don't!" The girls said. 

"Why?!" Naruto yelled. 

"Naruto.  . .I'm naked," Yuri said, Shino was blushing like a mad man. All the boys blushed and looked at her. Her towel was down and just covering her butt, her back was bare and you could see the outline of her breasts. "M-my towel fell off from the front so I can't get up." All the boys got a massive nose bleed including Sasuke. 

"Sasuke!" Ino and Sakura yelled. 

"N-Naruto," Hinata said. Yuri did a couple hand signs and her and Shino poofed into his room on his bed. 

"Close your eyes," Yuri said, Shino nodded and closed his eyes. Yuri took off his glasses. 

"Why are you taking off my glasses?" Shino asked. 

"To make sure you don't peek," Yuri said as she got up and re-wrapped the towel around her. "You can open your eyes now," Yuri said. Shino opened his eyes and sat down staring at her, Yuri was in a small towel that showed off her curves. Yuri opened Shino's drawer and grabbed a shirt, she then opened another one and grabbed a pair of his boxers. "Can you please go out while I change," Yuri asked, Shino nodded and went outside. Yuri got changed and Shino came back inside. They cuddled together. 

" We should tell them," Shino said. 

"I'll send a clone," Yuri replied. 

"What?!" All of Yuri's friends yelled when the clone told her that her and Shino have been dating since yesterday.

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