Part 14

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*Yuri's pov* 

Knock, knock, knock. The door opened and I saw a man who looked like Choji.

"Hi! I'm looking for Choji, is he here?" I asked. 

"Yes, please come in." Choji's idk who he was said.

"I'm Choji's dad Choza," Choza said.

"I'm Yuri!" I stated. "Oh, do you guys like brownies?" I asked.

"We love brownies," Choza stated. 

"Here," I said handing him a plate of brownies. "I hope you like them,  I made them." 

"Thank you," Choza said, he took a bite of one and his eyes widen.

"These are delicious!" He stated as he ate a bit more. "You can come over when ever you want! And maybe cook too." I giggled.

"I'll take you up on that offer," I said. Just then Choji and his mother came in.

"BROWNIES!!!" Choji yelled. He ate one. "Wow, where did you get these?!" He asked. 

"Your friend Yuri made them," Choza said. I giggled as I watched all three of them eat them. 

"Choji, the hokage wanted to see you." I said.

"Alright, thanks." He said as he stuffed more brownies in his mouth.  I walked to Shikamaru's house. Knock, knock, knock. Yoshino opened the door. 

"Yuri? What bring you here?" She asked. I gave her the plate of brownies. 

"I made these for you and your family, please enjoy them. I need to go at the moment though," I said. 

"Thank you," she said.

"Bye," I said as I turned to leave.

"Bye!" She called out. I then went to Kiba's house. I knocked on the door and a very scary yet pretty lady came to the door.

"Who're you?" She asked. I blushed a bit. 

"I'm one of Kiba's friends," I said. "I made some brownies for you and your family." 

"Why?" The lady asked.

"I was bored. Plus Kiba has an adorable puppy!" I stated. She laughed. 

"I'm Tsume, Kiba's mom." She said, my eyes widen. 

"Really? But you look so young. . .And pretty," I mumbled. She laughed and ruffled my hair. HSe then took the brownies and tried one.

"Mmmm, these are so good. Are you any good at cooking anything else?" She asked.

"Yes, if you want I could make you one of my special meat dishes for tomorrow." I said.  She glomped me.

"Yes, please." She cried.  I smiled.

"I'm really sorry ms. Inazuka but I must be going now. Bye, it was real nice meeting you." I said.

"Call me Tsume, good bye!" She yelled. After I went to all the genin houses I had one left...Shino. I knocked on his door. 

"Good afternoon Shino's dad, is Shino here?" I asked. 

"Yes, come in." He said. I came in. "He's in his room, up the stairs and third door to the right." 

"Alright, thank you. Oh here," I said as I handed him another plate of brownies. "I made these for you guys."

"Thanks," he said. I walked up the stairs and knocked on his door. 

"Come in," he said emotionlessly. I walked in and saw Shino on his bed shirtless. I blushed.

"Shino, what did I say about your emotions." I said. He looked at me and smiled. I closed the door and climbed over him. 

"What're you doing?" He asked. 

"Laying beside you," I replied.

"Oh," he mumbled. I laid down beside him and looked at him. I leaned over and grabbes his glasses then put them on the stand. 

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