Part 26

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*Third person pov* 

Yuri has been at the tower for a couple of days now, she has no scratches or pieces of dirt on her. During her time there she has been becoming closer to Gaara, Temari and Kankuro. 

"Gaara," Yuri said from right beside him on the couch. 

"What?" He asked.  Yuri turned towards him. 

"Why do you act so mean and cold to everyone?" Yuri asked. 

"I'm a monster, might as well act like one," he replied. 

"No,  your not a monster.  Shukaku (SP) is." Yuri replied looking at the tv. 

"No, " Garra said. 

"You're two different people and if others don't realize that. . .They're mean and don't deserve to be your friend." Gaaras eyes widen. 

GUys who should Yuri be with?


Gaara, Shino, Naruto, Shikamaru, Deidara or akatski members.

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