Part 28

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*Yuri's pov* 

"Strategy?" I asked Shino quietly as I stood beside him. 

"Depends on who I verse, if I verse one of the sound ninja's my best bet would to cover their holes," Shino whispered back as we watched Sasuke fight. 

"Yea, that's true but if it were me and I was versing that one armed guy right there," I said as I pointed to Zaku. "I'd put bugs in both of his arms." 

"Why? One's broken," Shino asked. 

"You never know, and you can never be to cautious," I said. 

"How would you do it with out him noticing?" Shino asked. 

"Diversion, talk to him and distract him while sending bugs out. That way when he fights he can't use sound and he has to rely on taijutsu. . .With your bugs it's a sure win." I said.

"True, and Dosu?" Shino asked. I looked at Dosu. 

"He has upper body strength and his sound thing is broken from my observations but i'd still plug it in case. i'd also send the bugs to his feet while talking to him so that when he tries to move it slows him down allowing an opening for attack. So maybe 3 kunai knifes, he'd block with his arms and while he does that i'd go taijutsu on him appear under his arms before he has a chance to move punch him and while he's in the air jump back and throw some kunai again. But if that doesn't work and get him and he dodges it have some shadowed kunai's too." I said. 

"You just thought of that?"  Shino asked. 

"Yea why? I have about 200 different strategies to beat everyone in here," I said 

"Never mind." Shino said. 

"The winner is Sasuke," the proctor announced. 

"Good job duckbutt!" I yelled, he glared at me while. I smiled. 'Never gets old.' I thought. 

Hey guys it's me! Please comment, vote and follow! I have some news i'm leaving my summer house tomorrow and I'm going to another out in the country with no internet sorry! I won't update until maybe next tuesday but it'll be harder bc my laptop at home is broken! Sorry. If you have snap chat and wanna talk add me 'jnayia_meh' sorry about the name lol my friends made it for me.  Have a good summer and hopefully i'll update before I leave tomorrow!

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