Part 12

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*Third person pov* 

Kakashi and Asuma's team went to go watch the fight. 

"Huh? Why is Yuri here. . .And she's fighting an anbu?!" Naruto yelled. 

"Yes, she's getting tested to see her rank," Kakashi explained.  "If she's on an anbu that means she might be stronger then me." 

"Start," the third hokage said, everyone turned their heads towards the fight.  The anbu ran at an incredible speed, Yuri jumped and smacked him with her foot. He turned right on time and blocked it with his arms, although now he had two broken arms and a sore back from hitting the ground. He got up and Yuri went after him and at the last moment she disappeared and reappeared behind him hitting 6 different pressure points. 

"Yeah! Go Yuri!" Naruto cheered. 

'She's so strong,' Shikamaru thought. 

'She's so hot, I dibs.' Kiba thought. 

'I won't lose to her CHA!' Sakura thought.

'Maybe she can train me.' Ino thought. 

'I wonder if she likes food.' Choji thought as his stomach growled. 

"Next is me," the hokage sighed. "I won't go easy." 

"Don't want you too," Yuri said. 

"Start," Kakashi yelled.  Yuri ran at the hokage with an incredible speed, he kicked her and she flew back, she twisted mid air and landed on the ground skidding back. This time the hokage ran at her, he was about to throw a punch at Yuri but she dodged it and slid under his feet. 

"Fire ball jutsu!" Yuri said, the hokage jumped away before it could hit him. She managed to burn his hokage uniform so he took it off. 

"Summoning jutsu!" The hokage yelled. Yuri's eyes widen.

"Summoning jutsu!" Yuri yelled, two huge dragons appeared in front of Yuri. They all attacked creating smoke everywhere. The summonings left and Yuri and the hokage jumped back. The hokage was out of breath and sweating while Yuri hasn't even turned red or broken out a sweat.

"How is she not tired?!" Sakura asked. 

"Great fire ball jutsu!" The hokage yelled. A fire ball about 8m high and 70 feet wide was created. 

"There's no way she's going to make it our alive," Shikamaru stated. When the smoke cleared they didn't see Yuri anywhere. They didn't know she was flying above with her angel wings. 

"That was close," Yuri said. "Hey old man! You trying to kill me?!" Yuri yelled from above.  Everyone looked up and was in awe. 

"I knew you'd survive it! And I never said I was going easy!" The hokage yelled back up at her.  She charged at the hokage going 100 times faster then lightening. Not even a blur was seen, she hit all the hokage's chakra points and knocked him out.  Everyone stared at Yuri who was panting a bit in awe. The wind blew in her hair as one foot stood on the hokage and on on the ground.  (Like the pic above) 

"Yep, I definitely want her." Kiba said, Shino looked at him and glared even though you couldn't see it. 'Mine' he thought.

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