Part 11

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*Yuri's pov* 

"Okay, first up is a genin who is a master at taijutsu. Rock Lee come please," the hokage said. A guy in a green suit came up and started ranting about youth. I looked and saw Uncle Gai. I left Lee and walked up to Uncle Gai and the rest of his team.

"Hey uncle Gai, you here to watch me fight?" I asked.

"But of course my youthful flower," Gai said. I giggled.

"Alright," I said then walked away. 

"Begin," the hokage said from beside Gai. Lee came up to me at a blinding speed. . . Well for others. For me it was slow motion.  I kicked him and sent him flying in the air, I flew up and kicked him down leaving a really huge crater and an almost dead Rock Lee. 

"I didn't say kill him," the hokage said.

"I wasn't even trying," I mumbled. I went down to Lee and a crying Gai, I healed Lee and he started yelling about how much youth I had. I giggled and patted his head. "You're really strong ya know." 

"It wasn't enough to beat you though, you are very strong." Lee said. 

"I'm Yuri," I said.

"Lee," Lee said while we shook hands. *Snap* I looked and saw Gai taking pictures. 

"Why is he taking pictures?" I asked. 

"I have no clue," Lee said. 

"Come on Lee, let's go watch Yuri from the side lines and watch her youth!" Uncle yelled.

"Yea!" Lee yelled as they ran off to the side lines. 

"Next a chunin, Izumo." The hokage said.  "Start." Izumo came running at me with a kunai in hand, once again it was slow motion, so I flipped him over me and had his arm pinned against his back. While he was on the ground I leaned in and whispered. . . 

"You're cute ya know." Izumo blushed. "Sorry cutie," I whispered as I knocked him out. I let him fall limp against the ground, I dusted off my hands. "Next!"I yelled. 

"Okay next, Jonin.  Kurenai," the hokage said. 

"Hi Kurenai!" I said. She giggled. 

"Hey Yuri," she replied.

"Don't go easy on me," I scolded.

"Won't even think about it," Kurenai said. I looked over to see her team sitting. 

"Nice team," I said.

"They'll be the best tracking team," Kurenai said.

"Yep!" I stated. 

"Start." The third said. I jumped back and so did Kurenai. 'Kurenai Yuhi, specials in genjutsu.' I thought. I looked and saw vines. 'Release,'I thought, they all disappeared.  I looked and saw Kurenai hiding in the trees with speed faster then lighting I was behind her and kicked her out.

"What? How?" Kurenai asked.

"Power of angels my dear." I said as I knocked her out. "Next!" I yelled. I picked her up and brought her to her team. I put her down and medics came over. "Shino!" I yelled as I ran to him and glomped him in a hug.  He hugged back. "Hey," I said looking at his team mates. 

"I'm Kiba cutie," Kiba said. "And this is Akamaru." 

"I-I'm H-Hinata," Hinata stated. 

"It's nice meeting you guys," I said. 

"You wanna go out for BBQ with us when this is done?" Kiba asked.

"Sure!" I said. 

"Next match Anbu," the hokage said. 

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