Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

BRITTANY'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

So VidCon is in a couple days and everyone is going. And I mean everyone.

VidCon is only 4 hours away so were going to drive there. Then stay in a hotel.

Trevor had gotten everyone's passes and stuff. Now all we had to do was pack.

I was in my room packing my stuff into my 2 big suit cases when everything went dark.

"Guess who?" They said while they covered my eyes.

"Liam Payne?"

"Nope. His twin." He removed his hands.

"Hi." Connor said. "Hi." "Whatcha doing?" "Packing. What about you?" "Here to flirt with my girlfriend." He said with a smirk. I sat on the bed. "What do you got?" "Are you a fan of Harry potter?" "Yeah why?" "Cause I wanna slither-in." He kissed my cheek. "I have to admit, that's a good one." I stood up and Connor wrapped his arms around me. He tried to kiss me but I wouldn't let him. "Stop Connor. I have to pack." "Only if you kiss me." "No. Later." "But I want to kiss you!" "Later!" He pouted and crossed his arms. I looked at him. "Please?" He asked, sticking out his bottom lip. He knew how much I hated that. "Fine." I stood on my toes so I was somewhat the same height as him and pecked his lips. He smiled. "Thank you. Are you still willing to kiss me later?" He asked, holding my hands. "Maybe." "I'll take it." He kissed my cheek and left.

I finished packing everything about 30 minutes later and I went downstairs. I saw Connor sitting on the couch. "Where's everyone else?" I asked while I was heading down the stairs. He looked up. "Hi. Their in the basement. Doing who knows what!" I went over to him, sat with one leg on either side of his. "Woa. Hello." He put his hands on my thighs and I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Did you know that you still have a little scar from your hickey?" I said while pointing at it. "Yeah. Shows that I'm yours." He smiled. I leaned in to kiss him but stopped about 4 inches from his face. We probably sat there like that for about 1 minute. "Aren't you gonna kiss me?" I started to lean in but stopped right when our lips were about to touch. I got up and started towards the kitchen. Connor shortly followed behind me. He picked me up and put me on the counter. "Don't tease me like that. You know what it does to me." He started feeling up my thigh. He started to lean in to kiss me but stopped like I did to him. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him in. We started to passionately kiss until we were interrupted.

"Con? Britt? You in th-woa sorry!" It was Maddy.

"Oh my gosh." Connor said. "What?" "We always get interrupted." He looked down. "Hey," I pulled his head up, "we weren't interrupted last night." I smirked. I hopped down and took his hand. "Where are we going?" "We're going to go chill." We walked up to our room and cuddled for what seemed like forever.

It was 4:30 and I needed to say something to Connor.

"Hey con?" "Yeah?" "We're you a drummer?" "No, why?" "Because you have really good rhythm, if you know what I mean." I felt him smile.

"You hungry?" "Kinda. You?" "A little." "Well lets see what we have." Connor got up and took my hand, helping me up, and heading downstairs.

We had some pizza from the other night so we had that.

"Heyo! We going to the pier tonight. You guys in?" Jc asked, wrapping an arm around Steph's shoulders. I nodded and so did Connor. "Great. We leave in half a hour." I got up from the couch because that's where we were sitting and got two Arizonas from the fridge and gave one to Connor. "Thanks. So, you planning on taking your penny board?" "Yeah. But I was just going to bring it for if I get tired of walking." I sat down on his lap. "Cool." He looked down at my hands. "Hey, are you ok-" "BRITTANY IM FINE! YOU DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO FUCKING ASK IF IM OK!" My mouth dropped. Not because he yelled at me but because I asked if he was ok. "Jeez. You don't need to fucking yell at me just because I was asking if you were ok. God." I said while getting up. I walked up the stairs. "Come talk to me when you're able to talk in your inside voice." I walked over to my room and slammed the door. I really don't want to talk to Connor right now.


CONNOR'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Brittany handed me my Arizona. "Thanks. So, you planning in bringing your penny board?" I asked her. "Yeah. But I was just going to bring it for if I get tired of walking." Brittany sat down on my lap. I looked over at her hands. I was really tired and I kinda wanted to stay home. But I knew Brittany wouldn't go if I didn't go. She cares a lot about me. "Cool." "Hey, are you ok-" I cut her off. "BRITTANY IM FINE! YOU DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO FUCKING ASK IF IM OK!" My heart sank after I said those words. I didn't mean to say them. They just came out. "Jeez. You don't need to fucking yell at me just because I asked if you were ok. God." She got up and walked upstairs. "Come talk to me when you're able to talk in your inside voice." Next thing I heard was a door slam.


I waited a few minutes for her to cool off.

I got up and walked to our room.

I knocked on the door. "Brittany, babe, I'm sorry." I tried the door knob. It was locked. "Brittany?" Still no answer. "I'm ready to use my inside voice."

I heard some shuffling and Brittany opened the door. She just stared at me.

"Look babe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you. I love how you care about me and ask if I'm ok." She didn't say anything. "I'm sorry. I'm just a little tired." "If your tired then why do you want to go to the pier?" "I want to go because I want to go somewhere other than this house for a while. And to spend time with you." I poked her belly. She laughed then put her serious face on again. I leaned against the door frame and took hold of her shirt. "We good?" I asked, rubbing my thumb on her shirt. "Yeah." She smiled. I pulled her to me and kissed her.

**40 minutes later**

"So, your saying that gullible spelt backwards is orange." Brittany said to me. "Yeah! Do you need to spell it out?" "Con, just because I'm a blonde, doesn't mean I'm stupid." She said, looking up at me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and kissed her head. "I know. I was just messing with ya."

We got to the pier and everyone split their one ways. Me and Brittany walked along the shoreline.

"OH MY GAWD!!!' IT'S CONNOR FRANTA!!!! YOUR CONNOR FRANTA!!!! CAN WE GET A PICTURE WITH YOU?!?!?" Some fan girls asked. "Yeah sure." "Can you take our picture?" One of the girls asked Brittany. "Sure." She handed her phone to Brittany and she took a couple pictures. "You guys are legit perfect! You are my otp! I'm so glad you guys are back together!" "Thanks! It means a lot that my fans are so supportive with me and Brittany." I looked down at Brittany. "Well bye! Have a great evening you two! And be careful if you know what I mean." And she did the 👉👌 thing. I heard Brittany chuckle and then we started walking.

"Well that was very nice." Brittany said a few feet down." "Yeah, I'm glad their happy with us being together. Cause I know I am." Brittany looked up at me and kissed my chin.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

BRITTANY'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~


We got to the hotel about 2 hours ago and every couple had their own room. So now, me and Connor are laying in bed watching tv. We'll I was watching tv, Connor was on twitter.

"Insomnia. How do you spell that? I forgot." Connor asked me. "T-h-a-t." I said without looking away from the tv. I could feel Connor's eyes on me. "What?" "Way to be literal."
"I-n-s-o-m-n-I-a." "Thank you."

My eyes started to get heavy and I soon fell asleep.


I woke up around 6 pm and took a shower. After I got out I realized Connor wasn't in the room. I needed to know where he was.

B: where are you?

C: kiassys room.

B: oh ok.

I walked down a couple doors and walked in without knocking. They didn't even realize I was there. Connor was on his phone, and kiassy was cuddling. I laid down on Connor with my head on his stomach. He didn't seem to realize me either so I stared at him. A couple seconds later my phone buzzed.

"@connorfranta: she's got an eye on me 👀👫" with a twitter picture. It was me looking into his back camera. I grabbed his phone and tossed it to the other side of the room. "Hi babe." "Hi." "You know I did realize you were on top of me." "Then why didn't you say anything?" "I don't know. I guess I really wanted to tweet that. Come here." He gestured to come up towards him. I put my head in the crook of his neck and he wrapped his arms around me. "You hungry?" "Not really. Are you?" "No. I just wanted to see if you were." He kissed the top of my head. "What time are we to go to VidCon tomorrow?" "10. VidCon starts at 11 so we have to get there to set up and stuff." He muffled into my hair.

I was about to fall asleep again until me and Connor heard sucking on the other side of the room. We both looked over and Kian was giving Kassy a hickey. Like who does that in front of other people? We got up and went back to our room. I was actually still pretty tired so I ended up falling asleep while we were cuddling.

I woke up 3 hours later and Connor was still there.

"Hey I was just about to wake you. You wanna go hang with everyone else for a while?" "Sure." We got up and walked down to Cassidy and Ricky's room. But that wasn't a very good idea. Lets just say their was some 👉👌 going on. We walked down to Stephs and Jc's room and they were watching tv. We walked in and they weren't even watching tv. They were asleep. We went to Maddy and SAMs room and they weren't there. Date night maybe. We weren't gonna try Kian and kassys room. Who knows what they could be doing. "Wanna go on a picnic?" Connor asked me while he swung our hands. "Sure."

We went back to the room and grabbed money and a blanket. We stopped at the bakery down the street and got sandwiches. We went to the nearest park and ate. We watched the stars and talked. Lucky us, we got caught in a meteor shower.

"What did you wish for?" I asked Connor. "Nothing. Everything I've ever wanted is right here, in my arms." He squeezed me. I kissed his hand and snuggled even more into him if that was even possible. "What about you? What did you wish for?" "Well I can't tell you because I want it to happen." I said, putting my chin on his chest. He started playing with my hair. "I'll always make your dreams come true." I smiled up at him. "I wish that we get married, have kids, grand kids, and grow old together." He smiled. "That's already gonna happen."

I leaned up and kissed him. I felt him smile into the kiss. "Wanna go back to the hotel and started on that wish?" He gave me his sexual look. "Not until we're married." I patted his chest and got up. I helped him up and we walked back to the hotel.

We got back and Connor thought it would be funny to tackle me after I got out of the bathroom. Now I have a bruise on my side from where I hit the table.

I was laying on my side of the bed, completely ignoring Connor.

"Brittany." He shook me. "Babe." He kissed my cheek. "Please talk to me baby." I turned around and looked him in the eyes. "I have a bruise." "Let me see." He pulled down my blanket and pulled up my shirt. There it was. Purple and blue. He put his hand on it. "I'm sorry. I didn't think you would hit the table." He started to giggle which made me laugh. Then I ended up not being mad at him.

We fell asleep not so soon after that.

**next morning**

I woke up at 8:00 and Connor was still sleeping. I shook him and he didn't move. I checked to see if he was breathing and he was. I sat on top on him. He didn't move. I got up and grabbed a cup of cold water and poured it on him. He woke up and tackled me. "God Brittany don't do that." He said while wiping his face. "Wake up and I won't have to."

I got up and got dressed. I wore a black cardigan with a white tank top with skinny jeans and flats. I wore mascara and I had my hair in a bun. (Instagram @O2L_FANPAGE13 for picture of outfit.)

Connor wore his fresh ta death shirt and khaki shorts with Toms. He quiffed his hair and wore a SnapBack.

By that time it was 9:20. Before we left we both brushed our teeth and did our stuff to control our bodily functions. (Aka B.O)

We walked down to everyone's rooms and they were empty.

We went down to the cafe down the street and got muffins and Connor got a coffee and I got a hot chocolate. (Hate coffee)

By that time it was 9:56. So we got a cap and went to VidCon.

When we got there, there was like no one. Which surprised me. We walked in and Connor went to get our passes and I walked around. I met a couple youtubers. Thatsojack, daily grace, Shane Dawson, and sawyer Hartman. I kinda felt like sawyer was coming onto me. I walked a little further and I found our booth and everyone was setting up.

"Hey guys!" "Yo! You guys slept late." Sam said to me. "Yeah not really. Only until 8. When did you guys get up?" "6." Steph said sitting on a chair with her legs on Jc and her head on his shoulder. "That early! Why?" "We didn't know how it would be here." Jc said. Connor walked up to me with my pass and kissed my cheek. I went and sat down next to steph and Connor sat next to me. "Hey steph mind taking a picture of us?" Connor asked her. She nodded and stood up. Connor put his hand on my thigh and I wrapped my arm around his arm and rested my head on his shoulder. Stephanie snapped that photo and it looked good. Connor went away and typed on his phone. A few minutes later my phone beeped. It was of Connor and me.

"connorfranta: at VidCon with my lady! 👫 Come say hi!"

I liked it and I took a picture of us so I could post on.

"brittany_is_awesome: with my lover at VidCon. Come say hi! Everyone's here!" (^not actual account^)

Connor liked it and I kissed his cheek. "You have no idea how bad I want you right now." I looked down. "I have a thought." I gestured my head towards his crotch area. "Yeah I know."

It was almost 11 and there was a dinging that meant they were letting girls in. Within seconds girls were coming over to our table. All of them were wearing merch items. Some girls wanted me to sign their stuff which was cool. I actually had a fan base.

"OH MY GOD!!! YOU'RE HERE!!!! BRITTANY I LOVE YOU!!!! Will you sign this?" A brunette girl asked me. I happily signed it, took a picture with her and talked. Her name was Naomi. She was pretty cool. Until I saw her arms. They were covered with cuts. I quickly grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and wrote my number on it and handed it to her. "If you have any problems, call me. Your beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you different." She took it and hugged me. "Thank you." Then walked off. Connor looked at me. "You ok? You looked like you were about to cry." "Nah. I'm fine. I'm more than fine." He smiled and kissed me.

**4 hours later**

Me and Connor are back at our room, packing since we have to leave. I maybe signed 50 girls stuff today. Minimum.

"You ready?" Connor asked me. "Yeah." I grabbed my bags and headed down to the car.

We loaded everything up and headed home.

We got home around 10 and I was really tired. I asked Connor if he could carry me and he did.

He brought me upstairs and I got changed. I climbed into bed and so did Connor.

I was out like a light.


New chapter! Hope you like!

Almost at 11k!!!! Shiite!!! That's amazeballs!!!!

Love you guys.

*didnt reread this for spelling mistakes. Sorry*

Social media;

Twitter: bewilliams1313

Instagram: @kickster307 (personal)

@O2L_FANPAGE13 (o2l fanpage)

Check out another chapter for the girls instagrams.

Peace or Girl Scouts!

Brittany 🐨

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