Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

BRITTANY'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When we got back to school Connor dropped me off at my dorm and I went up to my room. When I got there I saw Andrea on top of kian. But they were just kissing.

"Hehem-" I said, trying to get them to stop.

Looking over at me, Andrea said, "oh my gosh Brittany!!! Hey! How was vacation?"

"I'll tell you all about it later. I'd just like to unpack and check my twitter."

"Ok well I'll see you later!" They leave, hand in hand out the door.

I unpack and settle into my bed. I hadn't realized how hard my bed was compared to Connors.

I propped myself up and started scrolling through my tweets.

I noticed a lot of things. People were actually shipping bonnor! Most fan girls would be horrified if Connor had a girlfriend but there wasn't any haters.

I got a text. It was from Connor.

C- hey babe! You unpacked yet?

B- yah

C- is everything ok?

B- yeah! I was just on my twitter and I noticed alot of your fans shipped bonnor!

C- well that's great babe! Wanna hang tonight?

B- sure. Or you can come over right now ;)

C- sorry. Can't. Wish I could. Still unpacking then I need to make my video. Wanna help?

B- sure. I have nothing better to do!

C- ok come over now and we'll get started.

B-ok. See you soon. Love you

C- love you too! <3


I get to Connor's and walk into his room. He looked up from his camera and smiled. I smiled back and walked over to him. I kissed him on the cheek while rubbing his back.

"You ready to start this video?" Connor asks me.

"Yeah!! What's the topic?"

"Ask #bonnor"

"Mhhmmmm ok!!! Did you already tweet it out?"

"Yeah. You can just grab the tripod from my duffel and we'll get started."

I get Connor's tripod and set it in front of the window where he usually films. He decided that we would do the video on the floor so I sat down and waited for him to start.

"Hey everyone. It's connor. With my girlfriend, Brittany!"


Connor looked at me.

"Well then." I look at him. "Today we are doing ask #bonnor. So just about a hour ago I tweeted out that we were doing a ask video. So here we goooo!"

"@________ (fill in whoever you want) asks, 'how did you two meet?'"

"Well we meet on orientation day."

"Connor was a tour guide and he was handing out maps. When he got to me he completely stopped and stood in front of me. He said he wanted to talk later and he gave me his number."

He smiled at me then continued the video.

"Ok next question!"

"@_________ asks, 'how long have you guys been dating?'"

"We've been dating for about 5 months now."

"@_________ asks, 'Brittany, what is Connor's favorite soda?'"

"Well Connor doesn't like soda so....... Next question!"

"@__________ asks, 'have you guys done the deed yet?'"

We look at each other. Then back at the camera.

"Next question."

"@_________ asks, have you guys kissed yet?'"

I looked over at Connor then he kissed me flat on the lips. There was so much passion in it I couldn't help but grab his neck (ha thought I was gonna say his junk. Haha no? Oh :/ ) he let go and looked me straight in the eyes. Oh those eyes. I totally forgot we were doing the video.

We looked up at the camera.

"Well that explains it."

"Ok guys that's all the questions we haves for today! Have a nice day and ill see you guys next time I upload a video. Ok! Byeeee!!!"

And we cover up the lens with our hands. He stops the video and attacks me. He starts kissing me passionately. I kiss him back. We are laying on the floor, kissing, when Ricky walks in.

"Wow. Sorry. Ill come back later."

Connor looks down at me and smiles. He starts kissing me again. He puts my thighs against his hips. I could feel his little friend get hard. He started taking off my pants. I stopped him right there. He looked up at me. I gave him the look. He understood and we kept on kissing.

After about 10 minutes of kissing Connor stops. He gets up.

"I have to edit."

"Ok." I say as I get up. "I'm gonna go to CVS. Want something?"

"Yeah!! Can you get me an Arizona?"

"Sure." I go over to him and kiss his cheek. I smile at him. He smiled back and I left.


I get to CVS and I get me and Connor Arizona's. I went to the counter to pay. I paid and I headed back to school.


CONNOR'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I have to edit," I say to Brittany as I get up.

"Ok. I'm gonna go to CVS. Want something?"

My eyes get big. "Yeah!! Can you get me an Arizona?"

"Sure." She walks over to me, kisses my cheek. I smile at her and she smiles back and then she left.

I edit my video. Once I was done with editing, I decided to watch the video, like I always do.

"'@__________ asks, have you guys kissed yet?'"

The kiss was so intense. So much passion. I realized Brittany's face was surprised when I kissed her. She was so cute.

I paused the video when we were looking at each other. I wanted that as my desktop picture. I took the picture and set it as that. I was moving my icons so it was around us, when Brittany walked in.

BRITTANY'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey here's your tea!"

I handed Connor his tea and sat on his lap. I looked at his screen and noticed it was us from the video.


"Yah. I like how it looks." He kissed my cheek and shook his tea to stir it.

"Ok then." I smiled at him while shaking my tea.

"So. What do you want to do later?"

"Well we can't, you know, because its the time of the month."

He was sipping his tea when he said,

"I know! We can go bowling then get food!"

"Yes! I love bowling!"

"Ok then. Well we could sit here for awhile," he winked at me, "then we can go bowling then get some food."

"Sounds good to me." I smile at him. He was so cute when he made plans.

"I love you. Like so much."

"I love you too."

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