Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

BRITTANY'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

Connor had fallen asleep after 2 hours of staring at me. He seemed to really be sorry about cheating. I know that ill forgive him. Someday. But right now, I just can't. All I can do is be here for him. Trevor's plane is supposed to be coming in at 8 tomorrow morning and I couldn't be happier. I can't wait to meet his girlfriend, Kylee. Sam, kian, kassy, and Maddy are going to go get them. Ricky is too distraught to do anything. From what I heard, he won't eat, get out of bed, talk to anyone, especially cassidy! They've been trying so hard to get him to go out but he just lays there. I feel pretty bad. But I know once Connor gets home he'll be okay again.

It's 11:48 and I can't sleep. Connor's been twitching every 40 minutes and it scares me to death each time. I need to sleep. But I'm too scared something bad will happen. Even though the doctors say he's going to be ok, I still feel like if I fall asleep, something's gonna happen. They say the twitching will stop soon and when it does, he can go home. I just want him to be able to not over think things and be better but I know, for a fact, that's not going to happen. Maybe I'm over thinking things. Does it seem like I am?

I release my hand from his (they were holding hands FYI) and walked over to the couch so then I could sleep. Maybe if I close my eyes, I would forget everything for now and think positive.

And with that, I fell asleep.

*next day*

I woke up at 7:30 to a nurse bringing in new equipment for the day. I yawned and walked back over to Connor. He was still sleeping, and if time was right, he would twitch again in 3 minutes. I put the stop watch on my phone on and waited for 3 minutes. Sadly when it hit 3 minutes he twitched. I did this a lot. I thought today was the day he would be able to go home. But I guess not. I slipped my phone back in my pocket and waited for him to wake up. He would be waking up soon because every morning since he got here he would wake up at 7:45 on the dot. The nurse came back with food for both of us since she knows I won't leave him. She put the tray of food on Connor's table and left. There was fruit and toast and orange juice. This was by far, the best nurse. I decided to wait for Connor to wake up to eat. My phone buzzed. I got a text, it was from Kassy.

#Kassy- hey! How's Connor?

#me- sleeping. He twitched this morning so he has to stay.

#Kassy- oh, sorry. I know you wanted him to go home.

#me- ya. But at least Trevor's coming though right?

#Kassy- that's what I wanted to talk to you about.

#me- ?

#Kassy- well Trevor wanted to FaceTime with you guys so he could see you guys "at" the airport. Lol.

#me-ya! We can so do that! Connor should be up by then so ill call when he wakes up!

#Kassy- great! Ttyl

I thought that was a pretty good idea. Face timing and all. It was just about 7:45. He should be waking up. I walk to the bathroom to change in some clothes Maddy brought me. I went back to his bedside and waited. I really wanna hear his voice and see his beautiful green eyes. It just melts me inside.

I watch the time on my phone and when its 7:45, Connor moves his head towards me and smiles. I of course smile back.

"Hey! Good morning." I say to him. "It's 7:45 isn't it?" "It is. Right on the dot again. Haha." "We'll at least I'm up. So Trevor's coming today?" "Yah! Kassy texted me and said that we should FaceTime when their at the airport so trevor can see us "at" the airport!" I put quotations around at. "That sounds like fun." "Ya. I'm gonna call them on your iPad and ill get you your food." "Alright." I grabbed his iPad and went on the FaceTime app. I called Kian since he suggested doing this. He immediately answered. "Hey guys what's up?" Kian yells. "Nothing really, Connor just woke up a few minutes ago and Kassy told me we should FaceTime while you guys pick up Trevor." I put his iPad on his stomach so they could talk. I handed him his toast first and he ate that slowly. I then noticed the nurse didn't bring forks or a spoon. Luckily, the room had a supply closet. It should have utensils in there. When I opened it a hole bunch of stuff came flying at me. After everything fell onto the ground, I looked over at Connor. He was staring at me with no emotion whatsoever. I couldn't hold it in any longer and neither could he. We both laughed so hard that Connor started to snort. Which made us laugh even harder. Then he snorted more. After about 10 minutes of laughing I started picking up the stuff. I ended up finding a fork but when I turned around Connor was on his phone taking pictures of me. "Why are you taking pictures of me?" "Because I want to show Santa exactly what I want for Christmas this year." He smirked and winked at me, then took another picture. I put my hand on my hip and walked over to him. I put his fork in his peaches and handed them to him. He took them and started eating. I took Connor's side table out and put his iPad on there and angled it towards both of us. Apparently, Trevor's plane was delayed 30 minutes. It's not long but I really wanted to see him! But I guess we could wait. I started staring off into the distance until Connor put his hand on my shoulder. It kinda scared me at first but then I remembered not to have him panic. I could tell he was about to panic cause his hand started to shake. I gave him a smile and held his hand. He calmed down. Something about Connor right now is giving me butterflies. I'm not sure what but there's something. The best thing about being with Connor is we can sit in total silence and it wouldn't be awkward. I just realized this hole time, I was staring at him. And he knew. I quickly looked away. He lightly grabbed my chin and made me look at him. He looked into my eyes, then down to my lips. Uh oh, I know where this is going. He slowly leaned in until he was about 3 inches away. He started getting closer and I pulled away. He looked confused. "Not yet. Maybe later." He looked down and laid back down. He looked really sad. To be honest, I miss his kisses. I long for his lips. But I can't kiss him right now. He would think I forgave him and then would try stuff again. But I don't forgive and forget. I don't forgive easily. He has to prove his trust to me again. He needs to prove to me that he deserves a second chance. I totally forgot we were facetimeing until there was a lot of commotion. We both looked up and saw that Trevor's plane landed and he was running to them. I can't wait to see Trevor! "Hey man how you doing?!?" Sam said while hugging Trevor! "I'm great! This is kylee." We couldn't see who kylee was. "Where Brittany and Connor?" "Right here!" Kian said, moving his phone towards them. Trevor took his phone and walked away from them. "Where are you guys?" "We're at the hospital." I said. Connor just looked at the iPad. "Why are you guys there?" "Connor had a panic attack. A pretty bad one. He's doing better, so that's good." I squeezed his hand. He looked over at me and I smiled at him. "Why? What happened?" "I'll tell you all about it later. Right now we want to meet kylee!" Trevor walks over to a pretty blonde with bouncy curls. She looked like the type Trevor would date. She smiled and said hi then handed the phone to Trevor. Trevor said bye and handed Kian his phone. "We're gonna drop off their luggage, have them settle in, then were gonna bring them up so they can see Connor. Sound good?" We both nodded. We said good bye and Kian ended the call. Connor looked over at me and said, "I'll prove to you to give me a second chance." Did he read my mind before? I nodded and started to get up. Before I could walk away Connor grabbed my hand and entangled our fingers. I leaned down, making him think I was going to kiss him, and kissed his cheek. I slipped my hand from his and went to the bathroom. I did my business and went back to Connor. The nice nurse from before is back to give him his medicine. "I have some good news!" Said the nurse. I looked at her. "Connor can go home early! In 2 hours after he signs some paper work and its processed." I smiled and thanked her and she left to get the paper work. Connor looked pretty happy to be going home. I texted everyone saying Connor gets to go home and they were really happy! They were going to set up a surprise welcome home party, just the 12 of us. The nurse came back and handed me the paper work because you know. It was the usual stuff, birthday, name, personal things, etc.. She came back a hour later and got the paperwork. She unhooked the wires from Connor and I gave him his clothes. He got out of the bed and went into the bathroom. I started packing up our stuff when I realized he dropped his shirt. I picked it up and knocked on the bathroom. He opened it, topless. His abs. Oh his abs. I couldn't help but stare. He chuckled to himself and I looked up at him. He was rubbing the back of his neck. I couldn't take any more of his sexiness. I handed him his shirt and closed the door. Why am I acting this way? I should be able to look at him without having any problems. I've seen him butt naked for Christ sakes! He opens the door and walks past me looking me up and down. Well at least he's still the same. (Idk if I put this in the story before but Connor is a total flirt in a relationship. Meaning he flirts with his girlfriend). He picked up the duffle bag and reached out his hand for me to take it. I walked over to him and put my hand on his back, pushing him to go. He put his hand in his pocket and started walking next to me. We left the room and walked down the long hallway to the elevator. He pushed the down button and the doors opened fast. We walked in and the doors closed behind us. All the way down, I could feel Connor staring at me. All of a sudden, the elevator stopped.

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