Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

BRITTANY'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~


We walked in and I saw all the o2l guys pop out of there hiding places.

"Did you plan this?" I ask Connor. He nodded his head. "Well I know you've wanted to meet o2l for a while and they wanted to meet you so I thought hey why not?"

I smile and kiss him. This was the best birthday.

"Plus we wanted to meet the girl that makes Connor happy," Jc says. That just made me smile.

"Yah. He talks about you all the time on the phone." Sam said.

We walked in. I hugged everyone. I could tell I was part of a new family. Since I didn't get to meet Connor's family, I got to meet his other one.

We opened presents and had cake. I was so happy.

CONNOR'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Brittany's jaw dropped. She was so surprised. You did good Connor. You did good.

"Did you plan this?" Brittany asked me. I nodded my head. "Well I know you've wanted to meet o2l for a while and they wanted to meet you so I thought hey why not?"

She smiled and kissed me.

"Plus we wanted to meet the girl that makes Connor happy," Jc says. That just made her smile.

"Yah. He talks about you all the time on the phone." Sam said.

We had cake and opened presents.

Kian walked over to me and asked me, "so, what you guys do to kill that hour?" I just looked at him. "Back seat?" I still looked at him. "Best way to stall." I shook my head.

Brittany walked over and sat on my lap. "What you too talking about?"

"Oh just what you too did today."

Brittany looked down at me. I shook my head. She understood and she kissed my cheek and got up and went to talk to Jc.

I quickly texted Jc to ask him to stall her while I go set the petals up.

"Hey man stall Britt k? Gonna go set up petals"

"K man."

JC'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey britt! Enjoying your birthday?" I hope she is.

"Ya. It's great. Best one I've ever had. Umm do you know if Connor is planning anything for me tonight?"

I have to lie.

"Like what?"

"Uhh something."

"Oh you mean something something."

"Yah. Do you?"

"Haha no. Sorry."

"Nah it's ok." She starts walking towards the living room. No!



Connor comes down the stairs. He gives me a thumbs up.

"Oh never mind."

BRITTANY'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I look over at Connor and give him the 'what' stare. He shrugged his shoulders and we walked down to the basement. I think he wanted to talk.

We sat on his couch and he said,

"You having fun?"

"Yah. Course I am. Thanks by the way." I give his hand a squeeze. He squeezed back.

"No problem. The guys seem like they approve."

"Approve of what? Me?"

"Yah. They wanted to meet you and also see if you were trustworthy. Like you wouldn't cheat on me."

"Oh. Makes sense, I guess."

"Yah well, happy birthday."


"Do you want your present?"

"No Connor. I won't except any thing you got me. After that kindle fire I'm not accepting anything for a while."

"Oh, even if your gift was me?"


Connor leaned over and started kissing me. Then he said,

"Wanna fool with the guys?"

"Yes! How?"

"Just follow my lead."

JC'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Connor and Brittany had gone downstairs to "talk", so the boys and I played with Connors Xbox when we heard,

"Mmm Connor!! Oh baby!!! Faster!!!"

Then we heard some flapping.

"Oh god! Oh gawd! UHHHH!!!!!!"

We started cracking up.

"Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck me! Fuck fuck fuck fucckkkkkkk!!!!!!"

CONNOR'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"YES BABY! RIGHT THERE!!!! OHHHHHH!!!!!" Brittany screamed. We could hear the guys laughing.

Haha, "where do you want it Brittany?" I sorta yelled.


"They totally bought it!" I whispered to Brittany.

"Wait tousle your hair so it looks like we actually did it. And put your shirt on backwards." I do as I'm told and then I walk up first. Brittany follows behind.

We sit down on the couch. Everyone was silent until Ricky said,

"So, does your back hurt now?" We all started cracking up.

Man, these guys are so gullible.

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