4: Weekend Getaway Disaster

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Stiles POV

The next morning, I'm running late for school. I don't have any time for breakfast. I stumble out the front door towards my jeep. I clamber in, tossing my bag into the passenger seat beside me. I start the jeep's engine and drive as fast as I can towards the high school. Coach is going to kill me for being late to economics. I sigh, knowing that I can't do anything about it. Tonight, I just need to make sure that I actually set my alarm. Eventually, I pull into the school parking lot. I shut off the engine and grab my bag. As I jump out of the jeep, I swing my bag over my shoulder and start running towards the main entrance. On my way up the stairs, I trip over my own feet and fall on my face. Good one, Stiles. I pick myself up and continue to run into the school. I finally make it to the right classroom. I stumble through the door and to the last empty seat. I collapse into the chair, breathing heavily. I hear people snickering around the room. I try to ignore it. Coach storms up to me in annoyance. "Why are you late, Stilinski? Class started five minutes ago!" He shouts at me. I can't help but lean away from the angry teacher.

"I-I'm sorry, my alarm didn't go off, so I slept in and-"

"Okay, I get it!" Coach interrupts me harshly.

"You can just pay for it at lacrosse tonight." He grins evilly. I groan, letting my head fall onto my desk. I hear a few snickers around the room again. I cover up my face in embarrassment. I'm not usually this shy. I don't have any sarcastic comments in me today, I guess. I sit back upright and watch Coach walk to the front of the classroom. I turn to look at Scott. His brown eyes stare back at me with concern. I try to smile reassuringly, even though I feel like I'm having a rough start to the day. I turn my attention back to Coach, who starts explaining about the stock market.


Luckily, I don't run into trouble with any of my other teachers today. I sigh in relief as the bell rings. I only have to get through lacrosse now. I walk to the boys locker room side by side with Scott and Liam. We meet Isaac inside. Suddenly, we hear thunder boom outside. Oh no. Please don't rain, please don't rain. I walk nervously to my locker. I change into my lacrosse gear. To my dismay, I start to hear the sound of rain thudding against the roof. I glance around the room quickly. All of the lacrosse team are now dressed and ready to go. Scott, Liam and Isaac walk over to me. "Dude, are you okay? Your heart rate is going through the roof." Liam asks worriedly. I give them a small smile. Judging by their expressions, it must've looked more like a grimace. "I'm just worried about what Coach is going to do to me." I quickly lie. I want to slam my head against a wall. I did a terrible job at lying just then, even if I wasn't surrounded by three werewolves. Scott, Liam and Isaac exchange a look before Scott responds. "You know you can tell us if something is bothering you, right?" He tells me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nod a little too quickly.

"Yeah, of course." I reply light heartedly. I pull my helmet over my face and grip the lacrosse stick tighter. Scott sighs a little just before Coach storms into the room. "Let's get going!" He shouts, leading the team out into the corridor. Kira is there waiting for us. We approach the main doors very fast. It feels too fast. My heart is hammering in my chest. I'm pretty sure that any werewolves in Beacon Hills could hear my heart pounding, let alone Scott, Isaac and Liam. Coach pushes the doors open and walks out into the rain. The rest of the team follows. I slowly walk up to the door, unsure of what I'm going to do. My breathing hitches slightly. I notice all the small details of the rain drops. "It looks like we have to embrace this weather, people. We can't miss practice." Coach says, waiting for me to get outside. Scott, Liam, Kira and Isaac turn to look at me out of curiosity and worry. Even if the rain did miraculously stop, there were still way too many splash hazards, falling into a puddle on the lacrosse field being one. As the clumsy person I am, there is no doubt that it would happen. "Stilinski! Get your ass out here!" Coach screams at me. I grip my lacrosse stick tighter. I don't move an inch. I'm right near the front entrance. "You want me to give you a bigger punishment or something? Come on, Stilinski! It's just a bit of rain!" Coach shouts again. I look down at my feet and take one more hesitant step towards the door. My feet are now on the threshold. I look back up at my teammates and the angry Coach. Terrifying images of me flailing about on the field with my tail while everyone goggles over me as they call the authorities float around in my mind. I can't do this. "I'm sorry." I say as I turn on my heels and run away from the group. I hear Coach yelling some profanities at me, but I don't care. I rush into the boys locker room. I pull off my lacrosse helmet and get changed. I chuck my lacrosse gear back into my locker. I then slam the door shut. I pick up my phone in a panic. I dial my dad's number. He picks up on the fourth ring. "Dad, it's raining and I don't know what to do-" I begin before Dad cuts me off.

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