21: Suspicion

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Scott POV

There was something about Stiles' expression that worried me before he left the room. His scent seemed... Almost too happy. Like it was forced. Was it just my imagination? Or was there something going on that I didn't know about? Lydia clicks her fingers in front of me. "Hello? Earth to Scott? You totally just spaced out on us." Lydia says. I shake my head slightly. "Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about something." I answer. Kira frowns.

"About what?" She asks.

"Stiles." I answer honestly. There is a gleam in Kira's eyes that I can't quite work out why it's there.

"What about Stiles?" Lydia speaks up.

"Don't you think he's been acting odd?" I ask her. Lydia considers the question.

"I guess maybe a little, but isn't that understandable? He's been through a lot." Lydia reasons with me.

"I know, but I can't help but feel like something is wrong." I sigh, rubbing a hand through my hair. If there is something wrong, it doesn't seem like Stiles is willing to tell me or anyone else. Kira pats my shoulder comfortingly.

"Lydia's right, Scott. He has been through a hell of a lot lately. It wouldn't surprise me if he was still trying to get over all of it. And if there was something else wrong, I know that he would tell you. He's your best friend, after all." Kira says to me. I nod. "Yeah, you're probably right." I comment, starting to feel less uneasy. Kira and Lydia start the conversation up again about Derek as a child. I laugh and smile along with them, but I don't add much to the conversation. I still feel distracted. After a while, I stand up. "Guys, I'm going to go check on Stiles." I say. Lydia nods while Kira just smiles at me. "I'll be back in a minute." I tell the two girls before walking out of the room. I walk up the stairs and towards the spare room. Something else comes to mind. Stiles said he would only be here a few days. I don't mind him staying longer at all, but I am curious as to why he hasn't left yet. I stop outside the door. I feel bad for spying, but I'm worried. No matter how much I try to deny it, there is a bit of worry sitting in the back of my mind that I can't get rid of. I listen carefully. Silence. I listen closer. I can hear the slow, steady breathing of Stiles. He must be asleep. Suddenly, my nose picks up something. I sniff a little more. I'm overwhelmed by the scents of pain, fear, sadness and anxiety. I gasp and step back slightly. Something is surely wrong. I knock on the door quickly before opening it. I find Stiles sleeping on the ground. I kneel down next to him. His eyebrows are knitted into a frown. The scent of pain, fear, sadness and anxiety gets a lot stronger.

I gently shake Stiles awake. His eyes dart around the room before landing on me. Once he sees me, he immediately relaxes. "Are you okay?" I ask in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Stiles says. I hear his heart jump slightly. He's lying.

"Why were you sleeping on the floor?" I ask.

"I guess I was too tired to make it to the bed." Stiles laughs. I bite my lip, unsure of what to say or do.

"Hey, uh, not that I'm unhappy with you being here, actually I really like it, but, why are you still here? Didn't you say that you'd only be here for a couple of days? It's been a week." I point out to Stiles. I watch his face fall.

"I guess I just lost track of time." He answers. Again, I hear his heart rate speed up. Another lie. What is he not telling me? "Alright," I sigh, deciding that I wasn't going to get anywhere with Stiles right now.

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