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Scott-1 POV

I'm fuming. What the hell just happened in there? Everyone just seemed to snap! I just couldn't take it anymore. If I stayed there any longer, someone would end up hurt. It probably would have been the other Stiles. He seems to like having a go at my girlfriend. Although, I will say that I'm not surprised that he got angry. What Samantha said was out of line. I will need to talk about it with her later. I storm out of the building and start running away from the place. I just want to have some space to think. My mind keeps wandering back to the party. Even before everyone started snapping, I was annoyed. But why?

I started feeling annoyed when Lydia started dancing with Stiles, but I don't understand why. My annoyance and frustration just kept growing. I barely noticed that I was with Samantha anymore. I had to hold back a growl when Stiles laughed with Lydia and smiled at her. I don't understand! They are both my friends, so why was I angry? They are both good people. It's not like they wouldn't be a good couple. Besides, they were just dancing together as friends. I groan as I start to slow down. I realize that I have reached the edge of the woods. I run a hand through my hair as I try to figure out my next move. I can't go back to the loft, I know that. "Scott!" I hear someone shout from behind me. I turn around to find my doppelganger running towards me. "What?" I sigh as he gets close to me.

"What's the matter?" He asks worriedly, stopping in front of me. I couldn't help but let out a loud groan. My hands tug at my hair and my feet pace back and forth.

"I'm going insane, that's what!" I snap back. The other me looks taken aback for a moment.

"You got quite angry in there. What caused that? Was it just because everyone was fighting?" The other me frowns.

"No...yes...I don't know. I really don't know anymore. My mind is always playing tricks on me. One minute it's saying I like one thing, but the next I like another!" I answer.

"What is going on with me?" I add in a panic.

"Would you care to explain what you mean by that? Liking one thing one moment and liking another the next?" The other me tilts his head slightly, trying to get a grasp on the situation.

"Samantha. One minute I love her and the next minute... I'm not sure." I sigh.

"What is making you feel that way?" The other me asks.

"I don't know. I don't even know who I am anymore." I admit. This realization scares me. Something seems off, like I'm forgetting something, something important, but I don't know what...

"Well, I don't really have a solution to that, but take this word of advice; don't let other people control how you think. You need to find yourself on your own. You need to find what makes you happy, not someone else. I can easily tell that you are missing a very big part of you, man. I'm genuinely worried." My counterpart states wisely. I give a nod and look around at the scenery for a couple seconds so I could think. I close my eyes and block out any excess sound.


I gasp in shock as I open my eyes and breathe heavily. I look over to my counterpart. "Did you hear that?" I ask hurriedly. The other me just frowns in concern.

"No? What did you hear?" He asks.

"I don't know..." I mumble.

"Try and listen again. Maybe you'll find out more?" The other me suggests hopefully. I nod and do as I am told. Minutes pass and nothing seems to be happening, so I stop trying. Somehow that triggers more sounds. They almost all come at once.

"I need you. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. I think I would be lost. Even though we've had some arguments recently, we have always been strong. We have always been there for each other when we needed to be. You've given me so much since the day we first met. If you die, it'll all just come crashing down." Stiles pleads.


"I'm sorry. I never wanted this to happen. Please forgive me." Stiles speaks in a wobbly voice, obviously trying to hold back tears.

Why am I hearing him? Why is he crying? Did I do something to him? I wish I could remember what happened. Why can't I remember?

"Why do you care about him more than your girlfriend?" Samantha hisses.

B-because I want to look out for him? I want to make sure that he's okay? Is that the right answer? He is my best friend after all.

"Scott, you're scaring me." Stiles whispers.

I-I'm so sorry, Stiles. I never meant to frighten you. How could I ever make my best friend feel that way about me?

"Oh, so are you going to get angry at me again? Are you going to deliberately hurt me again?" Stiles asks mockingly.

I remember this one, but it still hurts. I'm sorry Stiles, I never wanted to hurt you... how could all of this happen without me knowing?

"I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do." Brody apologizes.

What does that even mean? What was Brody planning to do?

"Please wake up," Stiles whispers fearfully.

Wake up from what? I don't understand!

"Did you remember something?" My doppelganger asks curiously, pulling me back to reality. I open my eyes and look at my doppelganger, breathing heavily. "Y-yes, but at the same time, I-I hardly remember anything!" I say, trying to hold back my tears. Maybe I really am going insane?

"Scott, sweety, the party's over." Samantha calls out sweetly. I almost jump out of my skin as I see her jogging towards us. She takes my hand and rubs it soothingly.

"I'm feeling tired. Can we go back to your place for the night?" She coos. I suddenly feel calmer. How could I ever say no to an offer like that?

"Sure thing. I'll carry you, if you want." I smile, completely disregarding the other me at this point. I pick up Samantha and dash off to my house feeling normal once again, with Samantha laughing and smiling all the way. I guess Samantha is who my heart wants to listen to. Mystery solved. After all, my mom always told me to follow my heart.

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