34: Disagreements and Disappointment

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Stiles POV

That evening, I'm pacing up and down my room. I should be doing my homework that is due tomorrow, but my mind is off somewhere else. I keep asking myself whether or not I should tell him how I really feel. What if he rejects me? What if he hates me? What do I do then? I keep trying to remind myself of the conversations I had with Kira earlier, but the doubts and fears keep coming back to haunt me. I sigh as I run a hand through my hair. "Should I tell him or should I not tell him? That's the million dollar question." I mutter. There's no denying my feelings now. I am in love with Scott McCall, my best friend. I walk out of my room and downstairs. I walk into the backyard. I spot some flowers growing on a bush. I walk over and pluck one off. I decide to play that childish game where you pick off all the petals while saying one of two options as you pick off each petal. The option that is said with the last petal is supposedly the truth. "I should tell Scott," I start, tossing the first petal away.

"I shouldn't tell Scott." I watch as the next petal floats away in the wind. I continue until I get to the last petal. I pick it off and toss the stem of the flower to the ground. I clutch the petal tighter in my hand. I know it's only a kid's game, but it has made me more confident. I smile. "I will tell him." I whisper to myself. I let go of the petal and walk back inside. Suddenly, my phone rings. I look at the caller ID. It's Scott. I quickly answer the phone. "What's up?" I ask.

"Can you meet me at my house in 10 minutes? I want the whole pack there. Well, maybe except Derek. There's something I'd like to talk to you all about." Scott replies.

"It's a bit late, Scott. Can't it wait until school tomorrow?" I question curiously. I'm a little nervous as what Scott wants to talk about. It's uncanny that just as I decide that I want to tell Scott how I feel, he calls me and says there is a pack meeting. Without Derek that is, and that makes me suspicious. "I think it'd be better to do it now." Scott replies.

"Fine, I'll see you soon." I sigh as I hang up the phone. It's 10:30pm. What could Scott possibly want to talk about? I walk out the front of my house and jump into my jeep. I drive towards Scott's house. I park out the front, noticing a few cars there. I get out of the car and walk to the front door. Just as I'm about to knock, I see a car that I don't recognize from the corner of my eye. I turn to face it. Nope, I've never seen it before. I raise an eyebrow. Whose could that be? I guess I'll find out when I go inside. I sigh as I turn around and knock on the door. A few moments later, Lydia answers the door. "Hi Lyds, what's going on?" I ask in confusion.

"Maybe I'll let Scott explain." She answers as she lets me through. I shrug as I walk into the house and into the living room. I see that I'm the last one there. Everyone is sitting on the sofas. Lydia takes her place next to Malia and Kira again. I notice that there is no room for me, so I just lean against the wall. I also notice a new girl sitting next to Scott. "Who's this?" I ask curiously. Scott and the new girl stand up and walk over to me.

"Stiles, this is Samantha Worthington." He introduces the blonde haired girl to me. Then, he turns to the girl apparently named Samantha. "Samantha, this is Stiles Stilinski." He tells her. I give Samantha a friendly smile and wave. She nods and smiles in response. "It's nice to meet you, Stiles." Samantha says, holding out her hand. I reach out my hand and shake her hand. Once I pull my hand away, I can't help but feel that something is a little... Off. The girl seems friendly enough, but I just can't shake the feeling that Samantha shouldn't be trusted. Not yet, anyway. I will try my best for everyone's sakes to get along with her. "It's nice to meet you too." I smile politely.

"Anyway, since we are all here now, I can explain some things." Scott announces, sitting back down on the sofa, Samantha following in suit. I'm again left standing on my own by the wall. "Samantha has just moved into town. By herself, might I add. I thought it'd be nice for her to make some friends before school tomorrow." Scott continues.

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