66: The Perfect Hybrid

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Stiles POV

I wake up the next morning to birds chirping outside of my window and sunlight pouring onto my face. I groan as I sit up slowly. I stretch my tired muscles and rub the remaining sleep out of my eyes. As I look around my room, the memories from last night come flooding back to me. I beam from ear to ear as I run a hand through my soft brown hair. My first date with Scott was amazing. I feel like we have an even stronger connection now, if that's even possible. I jump out of bed, excited to see Scott again. I'm also sure that our friends will want to hear all about our first official date. I quickly get changed and ready for the day. Once I finish brushing my teeth, I run out of the bathroom and back to my bedroom. I check my phone to see I have a dozen messages from my friends. They all are asking pretty much the same question: how did last night go? I'm sure Scott is getting the same messages. I text my friends that I will tell them all about it in person. I put my phone away, grab my keys and walk downstairs.

I wonder when Kara will be back? She didn't say anything about it in her messages. Oh well. I guess she'll come around when she feels like it. I know Isaac will look after her. It's weird. Kara feels like a sister to me now and I have this overwhelming urge to protect her, just like a brother would do, even though she is older than me. I smile at the thought. I always did want a sibling to look out for. I walk into the living room and sit down on the sofa. I turn on the TV and flick through the channels, wondering if there is anything good to watch. I finally decide on some random channel that was playing a movie. I don't really pay attention. My mind keeps thinking about Scott. I love everything about him. I still get butterflies in my stomach every time I'm around him, even though I try not to show it. I think it's still a little hard to comprehend that he's actually my boyfriend. It seems too good to be true for the love of my life to love me back. However, I don't want to jinx anything. I feel like I have finally found peace amongst the storm that is my life. I then start to think about Scott's contagious smile and his laughter. They make my heart melt.

Once the movie finishes, I decide to turn the TV off. I pull out my phone and look at the time. It's 11:30am. I should go around to see Scott and the others. I quickly send the pack a group text (except for Derek).

Stiles: Hey guys, do you wanna meet up somewhere?

Everyone replies almost immediately.

Scott: Sure, babe. Where do you want to meet?

Kira: Aww, so cute! ^^

Lydia: Agreed, you guys are such a great couple <3

Malia: I take it the date went well?

Stiles: Yup :)

Isaac: Kara and I can't wait to hear about it.

Scott: The same could be said about you and Kara :P

Stiles: XD

Liam: Where are we meeting up then?

Lydia: Hmm, maybe the park? At 12pm?

Stiles: Sounds good. I'll see you all then :)

Everyone else agrees to the meeting point and time, so I place my phone back into my pocket. I get up and quickly rush around, making sure I have everything that I could possibly need. I don't really need much, so I feel like I'm rushing around for nothing. After a few more minutes of messing around, I walk outside of the house, locking the door behind me. I make my way over to my jeep. As I'm about to unlock the door, I freeze suddenly. My heart starts beating faster and the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. I glance around me nervously. I can't help but feel like someone is watching me, but I can't see anything. From my previous experiences, that doesn't necessarily mean that no one is there. I gulp down my nerves, deciding to try and ignore the feeling. Maybe the person will just go away. Or, if they do follow me, I'll make it to my friends first before the stalker can get to me.

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