20: Concern

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Stiles POV

The day passes by slowly. It doesn't help that my body will go into a world of pain every so often. It's almost unbearable. Scott, Isaac, Malia and Liam all try to take my pain whenever a huge wave of it hits me. It works for a while. I don't even have to say anything for them to know that I'm in pain. My friends notice my pain because of my facial expressions and my pounding heart. I'm trying to act brave, but it's tough. I feel broken and helpless. Theo was able to overpower me so quickly. Maybe if I had more warning, I could have taken him. However, as it so happens, I didn't have a warning. I guess it's a valuable lesson for me. I need to be more ready to fight back. Have faster reaction times. If I trained with the pack, I'm sure that the problem would disappear quickly. As the day goes on, I realize how stupid my "falling in a ditch" excuse sounded. Especially to a group of supernatural teenagers who know more than well that there is usually a lot more to a story. I'm almost certain that they'll call me up on it when I'm healed. Speaking of healing, how can I heal fast now since the pack knows that I'm injured? It would seem suspicious. I guess they don't know the extent of my injuries. All they know is that I'm bleeding, bruised and my nose is broken. They don't know if my ribs are broken. How could they? Maybe I could get Deaton to come up with an excuse? I'll ask him tonight.

The last lesson of the day is biology. I don't hate biology, but I don't love it either. I know Lydia loves it and is amazing at it. She's even decided to take two biology classes. Then again, she's brilliant at any subject. Kira likes biology, but not as much as Lydia. Scott doesn't mind biology, but he needs the subject if he wants to become a vet. Malia has no interest. She hates biology. So does Isaac. Neither of them see why school is important. However, as we are about to walk out of class, the teacher hands us a slip of paper. "Get these signed by a parent or guardian and hand them back to me by next lesson." She instructs.

"Can my mom sign for Stiles?" I hear Scott ask as I gather up all of my books and stuff them into my bag.

"Of course. She's his guardian now, correct?"

"I guess so." Scott shrugs. The two of us walk out of biology.

"Cool, a field trip to the aquarium. I guess that'll be an interesting part of our marine biology topic." Scott says as he reads the note. I hold back my laughter. At least marine biology is something that I can pass with flying colors. I'll probably even do better than Lydia. Nothing beats life experience. "When is it?" I ask, not bothering to look down at my note.

"Three weeks from today." Scott answers.

"Okay, I'll need to remember that." I comment. Scott hums in agreement. We reach the school entrance.

"I'll meet you back at your house." I tell Scott. He looks uncertain for a moment, but he eventually agrees.

"Okay, fine. Don't be too long." Scott says as he walks to his motorbike. I make my way to my jeep. I jump into the car and relax into the seat. I let my face contort with pain since no one is around. I throw my sunglasses into the backseat. I don't need them now. I lower my hood and take my beanie off. My head has been getting very warm. I start the jeep and pull out of the school parking lot. I drive along the road, not sure where I'm going. After a minute of contemplation, I decide to head to Deaton's animal clinic. Once I park the car, I get out and walk into the clinic. Thankfully, no one is there. I tap the bell on the counter. Moments later, Deaton walks out of his office. I watch as his face falls when he sees the sight of me. He leads me through to our usual room. I sit on the bench. "What happened?" Deaton asks, getting straight to the point. "Um..." I say, unsure of what I should do. I couldn't tell Deaton about Theo and his plans.

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