78: Celebrations *FINAL CHAPTER*

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Stiles POV

Eventually, we arrive in Atlantia. I look around me to see merpeople swimming excitedly everywhere, trying to get prepared for the ceremony. I smile nervously at the sight. "Hey, it's going to be okay, Stiles. Remember, I'll be with you the whole time." Scott assures me and squeezes my hand comfortingly as he senses my nerves. I look over to him and smile gratefully. "I don't know what I would do without you, Scott McCall." I reply happily.

"You won't have to find out." Scott grins. I smile back brighter at him before I turn around and start swimming forwards again, catching up to the others. We swim towards the palace, where the ceremony will be taking place. To my surprise, I see Ben, Crystal, Max and Selena waiting by the front entrance of the palace. I let go of Scott's hand and swim over to my mer-friends where they all give me a hug. "Happy birthday, dude! How does it feel to be of age?" Ben says to me once the hugs and greetings are out of the way. I notice that Melissa, Chris, Deaton, Dad and the pack floating a few yards away from us, waiting patiently. "Not too different. I feel the same as yesterday. I don't change dramatically overnight, you know." I laugh in response.

"Are you looking forward to the ceremony?" Selena asks curiously. I glance over to Scott again, who gives me a reassuring smile. I turn back to Selena. "Yeah, I think I am." I reply after another second of consideration.

"Cool. We'll see you soon then." Max grins. My friends are about to swim away, but I stop them.

"Guys, you don't have to go anywhere. You're my friends, you're allowed to come with me into the palace to help prepare." I laugh. I turn to my Dad for confirmation.

"They can come with us, right?" I tilt my head slightly.

"Of course they can! They're your friends, after all. You haven't seen them in years and they helped you defeat Vanessa." Dad smiles brightly. Ben, Max, Selena and Crystal cheer in triumph. With that, my dad, Melissa, Deaton, Chris, Lydia, Liam, Malia, Kira, Isaac, Kara, Derek, Ben, Max, Selena, Crystal, Scott and I swim past the guards and into the palace. Merfolk are already starting to gather in the throne room. I gulp back my nerves. "Ben, you go make sure that Stiles is ready for the ceremony as it'll start in 15 minutes. The rest of you, follow me so I can show you to your seats." Dad instructs us. Everyone nods and swims after my dad, who is making his way to one of the rows of seats that have been placed in the throne room for this event. I then turn to Ben. The merman grins at me.

"I'm glad that I get to do this with you, Stiles. Don't worry, when the ceremony starts, I'll be sitting up the front along with the rest of your friends." Ben tells me. I nod in response. Ben starts to swim out of the throne room, so I follow him. "Where are we going?" I ask my friend curiously.

"To your room. I think one of the guards has left a sash on the bed for you." Ben explains as we swim up into the second story of the palace. "Oh, do I really still have to wear that?" I laugh.

"Yes Stiles, it's a tradition." Ben rolls his eyes in response and chuckles.

"I know I've already said this to you, but it's really good to see you again, man. I think I missed you the most." I admit to the merman swimming alongside of me.

"Well, we were best friends after all." Ben laughs.

"You still are one of my best friends." I point out.

"I know, but things change with time and distance, Stiles." Ben reasons with me with a sad smile as we stop in front of my old room. I want to say something in response, but Ben pushes open the door before I have the chance to. I swim into the room and look around in wonder. "Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit." I comment with a smile. Memories come flooding back to me of how my parents would tuck me into bed at night and my mom would sing to me. I sigh sadly at the memories. Suddenly, I feel Ben's hand on my shoulder. I turn around to face him. He gazes at me with concern. "You alright, dude?" Ben asks me.

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