12: The Movies

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Stiles POV

I guess I must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing I remember is Dad gently shaking me. "Stiles, wake up." He says softly. I groan and sit up groggily.

"Where am I? What time is it?" I ask, feeling very disorientated.

"You're at home, on the sofa. You've been asleep for a while." Dad informs me.

"How long?" I ask, running a hand through my tangled hair.

"A few hours." He answers.

"A few hours? I have to get ready!" I squeaked. I jump up from the sofa and race up to my room. I quickly look at the clock. Crap, it's 7:30pm. How the hell did it get so late? I shake my head in disbelief as I turn on the lights, making the room a lot brighter. I rush over to my drawers and pull random things out. I want to look nice tonight. I look through the pile of clothes I pulled out. For each thing I don't want to wear, I toss on the floor. I can clean it up later. I finally decide on a long sleeve black shirt and dark blue jeans. I quickly pull on some shoes and head over to the bathroom and look at my hair. I grab the brush sitting on the sink and quickly brush my hair, untangling it. Within a few minutes, I look presentable. I nod in satisfaction. I rush out of the bathroom and back to my room. I quickly grab my phone and keys before heading back downstairs. I stop in front of my Dad who takes in my appearance. "You look nice, Stiles. I hope you have fun tonight." He smiles at me.

"Thanks." I grin back. We walk to the front hall.

"So, are you meeting Scott there?" Dad asks out of curiosity.

"No, I'm picking him up. Supposed to be at his place by 8:00pm." I answer.

"You going to get dinner on the way or something?"

"If we have time, sure. We might be cutting it a bit fine, though." I say.

"Well if you leave now and get to Scott's house, I'll think you will have enough time to get some fast food." Dad suggests. I nod in agreement. "Alright, I'll be back later tonight. Call me if you need to." I tell Dad as I step outside, towards my jeep. Dad chuckles. "If anything, you're the one that should be calling me." He says. I roll my eyes playfully.

"If you say so, old man." I joke, punching Dad playfully in the arm.

"Get into the jeep, Stiles." Dad says as he pushes me towards the car. I open the door and clamber in.

"Okay. I shouldn't be more than a few hours." I inform as I close the door. I wave to my dad and he waves back. I then start the car and drive towards Scott's house. As I get closer, I feel butterflies form in my stomach, but I try to push them away. There was no reason to be nervous. Scott and I were just going to see a movie together. As friends. To help him get over a breakup. I take a deep breath and I immediately feel better. I slowly pull up to Scott's house. I beep the horn twice. A few moments later, Scott runs out of the house and towards the jeep. He quickly gets into the passenger seat. He grins at me. "Hi." He greets me.

"Hey. Do you want to get something to eat on the way? I haven't had dinner." I reply.

"Sure. Anywhere in particular?"

"Not really. Let's just go somewhere close to the cinema." I suggest.

"Good idea." Scott nods. With that, I start the car again and drive in the direction towards the cinema. As we get closer to the mall, Scott points something out. "Hey, what about this place?" He asks.

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