26: The Discovery of Merpeople

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Scott POV

"Okay, okay. I'll be there in a minute." I say, hanging up the phone. I run back in the direction that I came from, worrying about what could be wrong. Stiles sounded scared. I hope he's not in danger. As I clamber over rocks, I hear someone shouting my name. I look down to see Stiles waving at me. I jump off the rock and land in the sand. I jog over to Stiles and examine him. He looks fine. I frown. "What's wrong?" I ask in confusion.

"You really need to see this." Stiles says, walking away. I follow him, a tonne of questions rising up inside of me. Stiles kneels down besides a rock. I walk to his side. I look to where Stiles is staring and I gasp in utter shock and horror. I stumble backwards. There, lying behind the rocks, is a beautiful mermaid. A freaking mermaid! I completely stumble over and fall into the sand. I sit up quickly and crawl over to Stiles, wide eyed. "H-how is this possible?" I ask in shock.

"I don't know..." Stiles shrugs.

"What I'm worried about though is the condition she's in." Stiles points out. I push aside the surprise that mermaids are real and focus on the situation. She is badly hurt. Suddenly, I hear shouting. It's very far away, I doubt Stiles will be able to hear it. "Hurry up! She went this way! We can't let her escape!" I hear someone shout. There are cheers of agreement. They must be hunters. This mermaid must be their target. "We have to take her to Deaton. I'm sure he'll know what to do. We should hurry. There are hunters after her." I tell Stiles.

"What?" Stiles asks in shock, eyes widening in fear.

"That must have been what Daniel was after. Merpeople." I shake my head in disbelief.

"We don't have time for this!" Stiles exclaims, pulling me over to the unconscious mermaid. I can't help but stare at her tail. I've never seen anything like it. Merpeople exist? That's crazy. It's just not possible. Yet, here she is. "You grab her tail, I'll grab her arms." Stiles instructs. He's surprisingly calm about all of this. He's probably had some time to adjust. Who knows how long he was here before me? Besides, he knew about werewolves before me and still acted quite calm about it. If I were in his shoes, I would have totally freaked out. I walk around to the girl's tail and hold the fins. They feel smooth and a little slimy in my hands. I let go in surprise. "What?" Stiles asks incredulously.

"It's slimy!" I protest.

"Well what did you expect? For it to feel like fur?" Stiles rolls his eyes, holding onto the girl's arms. I sigh as I lean down and pick the tail up again. On the count of three, we manage to lift the mermaid into the air. "Okay, let's go!" Stiles says, walking forwards. I follow him. Somehow, we manage to get the mermaid over the rocks by resting her up there before we climb up to her. It's a long process, but we finally make it back to the normal beach. I can see Stiles' jeep in the parking lot. Thankfully, no one is around. I hear the mermaid's heart beat slow down. "We have to hurry!" I tell Stiles. He nods and we pick up the pace. Eventually, we make it back to Stiles' jeep. We set her in the back seat. We close the doors. "Shoot! Our stuff is still down on the beach." Stiles groans.

"I'll get it." I offer before taking off. It doesn't take long for me to find our stuff. I scoop the bags up and run to the car. I place them into the back of the car, underneath the girl's seat. Or seats, should I say, since she's lying down. I close the door and run to the passenger's side and jump in. Stiles starts the jeep and quickly drives away from the beach. Thankfully, it wasn't a busy day and no one was around to see what unfolded. I stare at the road ahead. I'm still in shock. "Are you okay?" Stiles asks in concern. I turn to look at him.

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