23: Pack Sleepover Fun

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Stiles POV

A couple hours later, I'm back in my own house, making sure it's tidy enough for when everyone comes over. It honestly feels good to be back. It also means I don't have to be so cautious when I'm taking a bath or when I'm reading one of the books Deaton gave me. I look at the time on the clock in the kitchen. It's 5:56pm. The pack should be here soon. I hurry back out into the living room, where I have spread the sofas further out so there's more floor room. I don't have any spare mattresses, so everyone will just have to sleep on the floor with a heap of blankets. A couple of lucky people will have the privilege of sleeping on the sofas. I'll let everyone else fight over that one. I walk into the hallway. I open up a cupboard and grab a few more blankets out. I bring them out into the living room and set them down next to the other piles of blankets. I look around. Everything seems to be set. I've already got a whole range of movies out on the small glass table that we can choose to watch. I'm glad it's a Saturday night, no worries of school ahead of me.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. I walk to the entrance and open the door. Kira and Lydia are standing there, waiting. "Hi, Stiles." Lydia greets me with a grin. Kira also smiles brightly me.

"Hi. Come on in," I say, welcoming them into my home. They make their way through the hall and into the living room.

"Nice set up." Kira comments.

"Thanks." I reply.

"Make yourselves at home." I add. The two girls sit down on one of the sofas. Lydia starts rambling on about a dress that she really likes to Kira. I roll my eyes and smirk. I don't think I'm interested. I suddenly hear another knock on the door. Turns out it's Isaac. I let him in. While we wait for the others, Isaac and I argue about why he wears scarves all the time, even if it's boiling hot out. Beats a conversation about dresses. "I was locked in a freezer many times." Isaac points out.

"Yeah, but why does that matter? Surely you get hot with that scarf on." I reply.

"Sometimes, I do, but I manage to bear it. This was the last gift from my mother. I want to keep it with me all the time. It reminds me of the fun we used to have." Isaac smiles. I nod.

"Okay. You win." I say in defeat. Isaac smirks.

"You understand where I'm coming from, don't you? That locket you wear all the time. It was the last thing your dad gave you before he left." Isaac comments.

"Yeah, you're right." I smile. I'm glad that Isaac and I have found some connection to each other. Soon after, the doorbell rings. I walk to the front door and open it. I find Malia outside, holding only her pillow. She's dressed in black sweatpants and a light grey long sleeved top. "Hey, Malia. Join the others." I say, gesturing for her to enter, so she does. As I'm about to close the door, I see Liam walking up to the house. "Hi." Liam calls out.

"Hey Liam." I smile as the beta walks through the door. I look around, checking to see if Scott is in sight. I don't see anything, so I shrug and close the door again. By now, everyone is chatting happily amongst themselves. I walk into the room and join them. Liam, Kira and Isaac want to order pizza. Malia still thinks that we should have deer. Lydia is walking around the room, taking selfies with everyone. I smile to myself. Classic Lydia. Some things never change. "Okay, Liam, Isaac and Kira, you can order pizza. The home phone is in the kitchen. The local pizza place's number should be on the fridge." I tell the two werewolves and kitsune. They nod and walk out of the room. I watch as Lydia takes a photo with Malia.  I walk over to the two of them and have a look at the picture. Lydia is smiling at the camera while Malia looks very startled. I can't help but laugh. "You look like a deer caught in headlights!" I exclaim. Malia rolls her eyes. "Yeah, that's because I wasn't ready." She protests. Lydia chuckles.

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