60: True Love

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Scott POV

The next day, I'm sitting in the cafe with Samantha again, frowning. "So, you still haven't found your phone?" Samantha asks me curiously and worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm sure I had it on me yesterday though..." I sigh.

"Does that mean you haven't talked to Stiles then?" Samantha raises her eyebrows.

"Well, considering there's no school today and I haven't called a pack meeting, I haven't had a chance to run into him... so no I haven't talked to Stiles." I reply as I stare at the table. I feel uneasy again, but I don't know why. Suddenly, I feel Samantha kiss me lightly on the cheek. I turn to her with a confused smile. "What was that for?" I chuckle.

"No reason." Samantha shrugs.

"Do you want me to get some drinks? My treat." Samantha asks as she stands up, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I smile at her. She nods as she reaches into her handbag and pulls out her purse.

"I'll be back in a minute." Samantha assures me before she kisses me on the head and walks off, leaving her bag with me. I chuckle and turn back around, looking outside the window. Suddenly, I hear a noise coming from Samantha's handbag. I frown. It sounds exactly like my phone's ringtone. I pull Samantha's handbag towards me and open it up. I reach inside and slowly pull out my phone. Suspicion rolls over me as I realize that Samantha must have taken my phone yesterday while I was ordering. Suddenly, the suspicion turns into fear as I wonder why she could have possibly wanted to take my phone. The first thing I notice is that I have a missed call and voice mail from Stiles. I bite my lip guiltily as my heart aches and I become overwhelmed with sadness.

I've been treating Stiles terribly lately. I know that ignoring Stiles was wrong, even if he kissed Samantha. We should have talked it out. Why did I even agree to ignoring Stiles? I try to find an answer, but my mind draws a blank. I frown worriedly. Something isn't adding up here. I quickly glance over to Samantha to see her still at the counter, chatting happily with a waitress. I'm still wondering why she stole my phone, but that isn't my biggest problem right now. I turn back around so I'm facing the table. I glance down at my phone, staring at the voicemail Stiles sent me yesterday. I quickly press on the voicemail and hold my phone up to my ear.

Once I finish the voicemail, I slowly take my phone away from my ear, tears rolling down my face. I feel so stupid. I notice my hand holding the phone is shaking uncontrollably. I cry silently, unable to believe the pain and heartache I have put my best friend through. By listening to the voicemail, I have finally realized two things. I can now see how much Stiles really loved me. I also realize that I love him too, and not just in the best friend type of way. I love him with all my heart. It feels like my mind has been cleared, as if it had been filled with fog until this moment. I feel... Free. I think back to all the times that I cared for Stiles above anything or anyone else. I think about how lost I would have been if Stiles had died with the Nogitsune or on that metal bench with the poison in his system or in my arms with that sword wound. I finally understand what Kira had meant when she broke up with me.

I feel absolutely horrible. Stiles has already forgiven me for my mistakes way too many times. I went too far this time. I should have listened to him when he tried to tell me that he didn't kiss Samantha. She was the one that kissed him and made it look like Stiles kissed her. I hate myself for realizing all of this way too late. Stiles will never forgive me now; I completely broke his trust. I guess that you never really know or appreciate what you have until it's gone. My mind tried to warn me on multiple occasions through nightmares or that weird vision at the party. Even my doppelgänger tried to help me. I slowly start to stop crying. I wipe my eyes and sniff. I need to talk to Stiles, even if he will never trust me or want anything to do with me again.

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