46: Dread Doctors

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Stiles POV

I walk into school the next morning to find my friends and Samantha with worried faces. "Hey guys, what's wrong?" I ask with a frown.

"Derek called me to say that there has been an attack at Eichen House. One of the patients escaped." Scott replies solemnly. My heart drops.

"You don't think it could be..." I begin anxiously.

"No, I'm sure it's not him." Scott interrupts before I can carry on.

"I'm sorry, but who are you guys talking about? Neither Kara or I have been here long enough to know." Samantha asks curiously. Scott turns to his girlfriend.

"There was this kid named Theo. Stiles and I used to know him in elementary school. Lydia might have known him, but she probably forgot. I almost did. Anyway, it turns out that Theo wasn't all that he seemed. He wasn't the same. He's a werewolf now. A dangerous one. He tried to kill Stiles and he was planning to steal my powers, which probably would have killed me too." Scott explains. Kara and Samantha look horrified. I suddenly feel uncomfortable, so I decide to leave. "Hey Stiles, wait up!" Lydia calls out as she runs after me. Soon, she's walking by my side.

"Are you okay? I know that yesterday wasn't the best and the conversation with the others just then wasn't exactly a nice one..." Lydia asks in concern.

"I'm fine, I just really hope that it isn't Theo." I smile.

"That's understandable. I guess we can find out after school?" Lydia suggests.

"Yeah, that sounds good." I nod.

"Just you and me. If the whole pack goes, there would be too many people. It might cause suspicion." Lydia adds.

"Good thinking." I reply.

"Also, yesterday wasn't so bad." I add.

"Really?" Lydia asks in surprise.

"Yeah. Scott's life was saved. When I was at home, Scott came to visit and we talked. Somehow, I ended up admitting what really happened in the Emerald Sea. Scott believed me and even said that he wasn't that surprised." I grin.

"I'm so glad that you told him. Honestly, I probably would have caved in and told Scott anyway because what Samantha did was wrong. I'm sorry that she did that to you." Lydia replies.

"It's fine, I don't care. Not anymore, at least." I shrug. Suddenly, the bell rings.

"Come on, we better get to math. You know how much the teacher will hate it if we are late." Lydia says as she pulls me along with her to our math classroom.


Once the final bell sounds, Lydia and I rush out of the school and head towards my jeep. "Should we tell the others about this?" I ask.

"No, it'll fine, we can tell them when we get back." Lydia replies. I nod as I get in the car. Lydia jumps in the passenger seat. I start the jeep's engine and drive towards a place I never wanted to go to again: Eichen House. A feeling of dread courses through me as I park near the entrance of the mental hospital. I tighten my grip on the steering wheel. Lydia seems to notice this. "Stiles, it's okay. Nothing bad is going to happen to you here." Lydia assures me. I nod slightly.

"Do you want to go back?" She suggests.

"No. I want to do this. I need to do this." I say. We both get out of the car and walk through the gates of Eichen House. I notice Deputy Parrish's car there already. I guess we will have to be careful. Lydia and I walk up to the front door of the mental hospital. I look over at Lydia. Her eyes are glazed over. I hold onto her hand. She looks at me with surprise and confusion. "Bad memories?" I ask.

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