56: Something Suspicious

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Scott POV


I walk through the empty school halls, trying to find anyone. "Hello?" I call out as I continue to walk. I feel uneasy being here alone. I start to run. As I open up another door, I end up on the lacrosse field. I frown. How the hell did I end up here? I look up at the sky. It is a dark grey. I can sense that a storm is coming. As if on cue, a roll of thunder can be heard from the distance. I look around the lacrosse field again. I almost jump out of my skin when I see myself standing only a few yards away. Thunder booms again. I tentatively walk closer to my doppelgänger. "Who... What are you?" I asks suspiciously. I have a feeling this is not me from the other universe. My doppelgänger smiles. There is something about it that makes a shiver run down my spine. "I'm you, of course." He says as lightning flashes across the sky, illuminating his face in a white light. Thunder quickly follows. "Why are you here?" I ask worriedly. Suddenly, my doppelgänger's expression turns serious. "I am here to warn you." He begins.

My heart rate starts picking up its pace. "A-about what?" I stutter.

"You need to get out. If you don't get out soon, you will die." The replica of me states.

"What? What do you mean? Get out of what? How will I die?" I rapidly ask. In my mind, I try to tell myself that this is just a nightmare. So why does it feel so real? My doppelgänger sighs and looks at the ground again. The thunder gets louder. Another lighting bolt flashes across the sky. The wind starts to pick up. The storm is getting closer. "I can't tell you that, but you need to get out of it as soon as you can." My doppelgänger continues.

"Why can't you tell me?!" I ask in annoyance.

"Because I can't, Scott. This is hard enough. I'm basically your conscience that is telling you to fight back." My doppelgänger says. I stare at him in surprise.

"What does that mean? Fight back against what?" I ask fearfully. The other me looks annoyed at all my questions. "Can you just listen for a minute, please? This is very important and I don't have much time. You're in danger, Scott. If you don't get out of this, you will die. Or, if you don't die, someone you love and care about most definitely will." The doppelgänger explains. Suddenly, my friends and family appear around him. All except for Samantha. Hmm, where is she in all of this? Does that mean she's safe? Well, at least someone is safe, I guess. The other me steps forward and gestures to my friends and family.

"Do you really want to see them die? Some of them are already suffering more than you know." The other Scott asks me seriously.

"Of course I don't want to see them die!" I exclaim.

"You know what? Out of everyone here, I have a good feeling about who will die if you don't do something." My apparent conscience tells me. I frown in confusion until Stiles steps forward with a blank expression. My heart feels like it is shattering. "No. No, you're wrong. You have to be wrong. This can't happen... I won't let it happen." I mutter. Stiles continues to walk towards me as I keep stumbling backwards. My doppelgänger is also following me. "Yes, Scott. It can. Because of your actions, Stiles, your best friend, the one person that has always been there for you, could die." He says. I find myself backed up against a tree, my heart hammering against my chest.

Without warning, Stiles starts to cry. He looks terrified. My heart shatters again. All I want to do is go over and hug him and tell him that everything is okay, but I seem to be frozen in place. "Please don't let me die, Scotty..." Stiles begins, using the childhood nickname, which makes my heart break even more. "I still need to save my father. I still need to save Atlantia." Stiles begs through his whimpers and sobs. Suddenly, blood starts running down his face. To my horror, I can see a wound on his head that is gushing blood. I try to hold back my own tears.

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