68: More 'Nightmares'

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Stiles POV

The next few days pass by in a blur. I was a little shaken up with the whole Michael thing, but I'm pretty sure I've recovered now. It helps that I have an amazing boyfriend and such supportive friends to pull me through it. I honestly would be lost without them, especially Scott. Each day, I spend as much time as I can with Scott, whether it be at school or at one of our houses. It doesn't matter what we did, just as long as we did it together. On this Saturday evening, Scott and I are lying on a sofa in his living room with Scott's arms wrapped protectively around me. The two of us are snuggling up to each other while we watch a movie. I feel so content being in Scott's arms. I lean my head against Scott's chest, listening to his steady heart beat.

"You're like a walking furnace." I mumble to him as I readjust my position slightly. I hear Scott chuckle lightly.

"I'm glad I can keep you warm." He says before kissing me quickly on the cheek. Again, it leaves an exciting tingling sensation. I feel Scott's arms tighten around me slightly. I sigh happily, feeling safe and protected in Scott's arms. I hold onto one of Scott's hands and give it a massage. I don't think either of us are really paying attention to the movie; we are just focusing on each other. "I honestly don't know how I could be so lucky to have someone so amazing as you." Scott whispers in my ear. I can't help but grin. "I feel the same way about you." I reply.

"You saved me, Stiles. When I was with Samantha, I became someone that I hated and never wanted to be. Thank you for saving me from that." Scott tells me. I turn my head around and glance up at Scott. Even in the semidarkness, I can see the love in his eyes as he gazes over me. I lean closer to him and gently peck him on the lips. "We saved each other." I whisper to him. It's Scott's turn to smile widely.

"Prom is coming up soon. Do you want to go?" Scott asks me curiously.

"Only if I get to go with you." I grin at Scott and he chuckles.

"Of course." He replies. I turn back around to watch the movie. I feel Scott move one of his hands to my head and start playing with my hair. I sigh happily, wishing that we could live in this moment forever. About 10 minutes later, I turn to Scott. "Hmm?" Scott asks in a daze, finishing playing with my hair.

"Hey, I'm just wondering. How long did you know that you liked guys as well as girls?" I ask Scott with a small and curious frown. Scott shrugs his shoulders.

"Honestly? For the longest time, I always thought I was straight. I never gave a second thought about it. However, I did begin to wonder about it after that vision I saw at the party. It left me confused and scared. Although, I think I finally knew that I was bi when you left me that voicemail. All these instances with you came flooding through my head which showed me that I was in love with you, even though I didn't know it at the time of the instances. For example, when you were going to die from that snapdragon poison on the metal bench at Deaton's clinic. It doesn't really matter now, since the only person I want to be with is you, no matter what gender I like." Scott answers after a moment. I nod in understanding. "What about you?" Scott turns the question to me.

"Remember Greenburg's party we went to in fifth grade?" I remind Scott, who nods in response.

"Remember how I was dared to kiss Logan? Well, I didn't feel uncomfortable by the kiss, which I thought I was going to be. In fact, I really liked the kiss. That's when I knew that I didn't just fancy girls. I'm not sure if my dad figured it out. I never told him. That didn't stop my huge crush on Lydia though. That didn't go away for years." I respond. Suddenly, I see Scott frown slightly. "Um... You don't have any feelings for Lydia anymore, do you?" Scott asks nervously. I can't help but laugh at Scott's question. I lean over and quickly give Scott a kiss on the lips. "Does that answer your question?" I smirk. Scott smiles back and nods. "I love you and only you, Scott. Any feelings that I had for Lydia disappeared quite a while ago." I go on to explain.

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