31: Standing Strong

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Scott POV

Along with a couple of others, I gasp as the scene around us changes. Deaton is nowhere to be seen. I can only see the pack who have all joined hands. I look around me. We are underwater. How can we be breathing? I suppose that this must just be a 3D memory and that we aren't really underwater, no matter how real it looks. I turn to Stiles, who opens his eyes, which are now glowing green. It's still a strange and peculiar sight to see. I notice his gaze trail to somewhere behind me. I turn my head to have a look. I take a short breath as I see a group of kids swimming towards us. I will take a guess and say they are about nine years old. The only thing peculiar about them was that they had tails. One of the kids had a bright red tail, just like Stiles'. It takes me another second to realize that the kid was Stiles. I can see now that they share the same features, plus I remember what he looked like when I first met him. The pack and I watch as the kids swim around happily. These must be the friends that Stiles misses and never really talks about. I smile as the kids swim through forests of seaweed. They look so happy, peaceful and innocent. I look over at Stiles, who is smiling sadly. I guess he must really miss his old home. I suddenly feel very sorry for my best friend and wish I could do something to make him feel better. I turn my attention back to the kids, who have gathered together and started talking. The memory changes to what looks like a celebration outside of a palace. Stiles and one of his friends are in the middle of the celebration, dancing and laughing. "It's a full moon ceremony," Stiles explains to us as we watch in awe.

"Every full moon, merpeople will gather at their kingdom's palace to dance and talk together. We celebrate the full moon because we respect its power and beauty." Kara adds.

"Wow," I whisper under my breath. The celebration looks like it is in full swing and everyone looks so happy.

"That's a cool idea." Lydia agrees. Suddenly, the memory changes again. This time, everything looks more dark. I hear Stiles' heart speed up and I can smell his anxiety. Obviously he isn't fond of this memory. It starts off with Stiles being dragged out of bed and down to the front of a house. There are guards there waiting for him. Now, I just feel confused. Why would the Royal Guard come for Stiles? I'm cut out of my thoughts as I hear screams of panic and terror surrounding me. I look at young Stiles carefully. His expression is terrified. He also seems torn between leaving his friend and their family and leaving with the guard. Eventually, Stiles is hurried away. The memory dissolves and a new one replaces it. Stiles swims into his parents' arms. They were in the palace. I watch as John goes to retrieve a trident. Stiles, his family and some of the guards hurry out of the palace. Hang on a minute, is Stiles' family Royal? It sure looks like it. I think it was pretty much confirmed by how people greeted them. I need to talk to Stiles about this after. The pack and I continue to watch as the small group of merpeople swim away from the chaos in their kingdom. I can see that the kingdom is starting to be ravaged by this new war. That must have been the war Stiles said his mother was fighting in. An overwhelming sadness washes over me. The group make their way to the cave where Stiles' mother says goodbye. I look over to the present Stiles to see tears running down his face. I squeeze his hand in comfort, unsure of what else to do. I turn back around. I'm surprised that Deaton was there waiting for them. He looks pretty much the same as he does now. The guards and Claudia dive back underwater and swim away.

Meanwhile, Deaton helps Stiles and John out of the water and onto the rocky ledge. Stiles is uncertain and doesn't know whether to trust Deaton, which is completely understandable. If I were him, I probably would have swam away back to my mom. I watch as Deaton hands them both a drink. "Those drinks made us human. The adult potion was different to the child one, which I can talk about later." Stiles explains as the memory changes again. Now, it's showing the Sheriff, Stiles and Deaton in the Stilinski house, where Deaton is teaching them about life on land. We watch as young Stiles attempts to walk around, but he always falls over. "My legs hurt!" Young Stiles complains to his father once the memory changes to the two of them sitting on the sofa. "I know, son. I'm sure this will all get easier soon." John replies as he hugs his son in comfort. I notice that the Sheriff's face is contorted with pain, so I assume he's experiencing the same leg pains as his son. Again, I feel very sorry for Stiles. I can't imagine what this all must have been like for him. Even now, he still has to face consequences. The memory changes again to a sunny day at the playground. I look around us to see young Stiles and his dad walking over to us. Young Stiles suddenly starts getting nervous, but his dad assures him it'll be okay. Young Stiles walks forward. I turn around to see where he's going and gasp in surprise. There, playing in the sandpit, was me. This was the day Stiles and I first met! The pack watches in curiosity as Stiles trips and falls into the sandpit. I watch as young me laughs for a moment, but then helps Stiles up and asks if he's okay. The memory dissolves as young Stiles and I laugh together, becoming instant friends. The animal clinic and Deaton finally come back into view. Everyone lets go of each other's hands, Stiles' eyes becoming brown again. I stand there in shock for a moment, not realizing how important our first meeting was until now. I look over at Stiles, trying my hardest to hold back the tears that wanted to roll down my face.

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