41: The Whole Truth

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Stiles POV

I wake up hours later, feeling very refreshed. As much as I denied it back at the animal clinic, I really needed that sleep. Somehow, it took some of my stress away. I get out of bed, grab my phone and keys and run out to my jeep. I jump in and drive back to Deaton's. The sun is starting to set, the sky a beautiful orange color. Once I get to the veterinarian's place, I jump out of the jeep and race inside. Everyone else is still there. They all greet me in a friendly way, even Samantha. "Hi guys," I reply.

"We'll give you some time alone with Scott." Melissa smiles. She pats my shoulder before she leaves the room. Everyone follows in suit. Samantha is the last one to leave. "Good luck with your quest. I hope you make it." She genuinely compliments me with a smile. I nod in acknowledgement. This is a side to her I haven't really seen before. I watch as Samantha leaves the room. I walk over and sit down in the chair next to the metal table. I pull it slightly closer to Scott, if that was even possible. One thing I noticed as soon as I walked into the room was the heart monitor that's now right by Scott's bench. He is connected up to it and I can hear the steady beeps of the machine, representing Scott's heart. I guess Deaton and Melissa got really worried and wanted to keep an eye on his heart rate. I grab Scott's hand and squeeze it comfortingly. "Hey, buddy. How are you doing? I bet it sucks not being able to wake up and move, even though you might be able to hear everything, huh?" I ask, even though I know Scott isn't able to answer. I look over at his pale and sweaty face, eyes still closed. His breathing is still short and long between. I can also hear his breathing, which is loud and it sounds like he is having a constant asthma attack. Scott still doesn't have a shirt on and his torso is still drenched in sweat, but at the same time, he is shivering. The wound looks even worse now. The veins are growing further across his body and the colors around the wound darken and spread out more. I bite my lip, trying to keep myself together. I know that Scott wouldn't want me to cry about this. "You look terrible," I comment with a small chuckle.

"But that's understandable, considering you've been shot and you're... Well, dying." I say. I wonder if Scott can actually hear what I'm saying and will remember it when he wakes up. I kind of remember what happened when I was unconscious and dying, but that is only because of the very vivid flashbacks, and that's a merfolk thing. "I'm really sorry, man. I wish it was me instead of you." I sigh.

"I know that you wouldn't like me for saying that. You'd probably frown and tell me to never wish that." I smile as I picture Scott healthy and awake. "Anyway, I promise you that you are not going to die. I won't let you." I continue with assurance. I squeeze Scott's cold hand tighter. "You are my best friend. You can't leave me now. Just hold on a little longer so I can fix this. Please," I continue, my voice a little shaky.

"Wow, haven't our positions changed, huh?" I chuckle to myself.

"It's only been a night, but things felt like they have changed so much without you around. I wonder what school will be like without you." I add.

"But Scott, if you can hear me, please don't give up. You need to keep fighting to stay alive. The pack needs you. Samantha needs you. Your mom needs you. I need you. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. I think I would be lost. Even though we've had some arguments recently, we have always been strong. We have always been there for each other when we needed to be. You've given me so much since the day we first met. If you die, it'll all just come crashing down." I continue pleadingly. Scott remains unresponsive, showing no signs that he has heard what I said. It doesn't surprise me, but it's nice to get this stuff off my chest. "I wish I could take your pain, but I can't. There are just some things that you can do and that I can't, which really sucks." I shake my head sadly.

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