58: Just Like Strangers

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Stiles POV

I'm sitting in my bedroom, crying, even though it's been hours since I was at Samantha's house. It's pitch black outside now. There aren't even many stars tonight. I feel two pairs of arms wrapped around me. Kira and Kara are trying their best to comfort me. After Scott ran out of the house, I quickly rang Kira and told her what happened. Kira said that she'd meet me back at my house. By the time she got there, Kira had already told Kara the situation. So here we are now, the three of us sitting on my bed with me crying uncontrollably. "Shh, Stiles, it'll be okay." Kira says quietly as she rubs my back.

"How? Scott doesn't believe me. He thinks I kissed his girlfriend. He's going to hate me, I know it. I bet he won't even want to talk to me." I say between sobs.

"You don't know that. It's Scott. He always try to see the best in people. I'm sure he'll want to talk to you once he's calmed down so he can get the full story." Kara suggests with a smile. I sniffle and wipe my eyes.

"I wish that was true, but Scott hasn't been the nicest person ever since Samantha entered his life." I admit honestly. Kara bites her lip, unsure of what to say or do. "I'm happy to run the bitch over with a truck, if you want me to." Kira comments in an attempt to cheer me up. I chuckle at her comment, feeling slightly better. "Nah, I don't want you going to prison." I tell the kitsune.

"Maybe you should just call Scott?" Kira suggests.

"Kira, I-" I begin, but Kira shakes her head and cuts me off.

"Please just try." She says as she takes my hand and squeezes it. I look over at Kira, her sad, pleading brown eyes gazing into mine. I sigh in defeat. "Fine, I'll try to call him." I say. Kara and Kira exchange relieved smiles. They let go of me as I take my phone out. I scroll through my contacts until I find Scott's. I pause over his contact picture for a moment. He looks so cute in that photo. We were about to go to our lacrosse game, but I quickly took the photo of Scott in the uniform before we left. His smile is breathtaking, just like it always is. I shake my head, pulling myself out of these ridiculous thoughts. There's no time for me to admire Scott right now. I press the call button and hold the phone next to my ear. I wait nervously as the phone starts to ring. I have no clue about what is going to happen. I exchange a look with Kara and Kira. They smile at me encouragingly. Eventually, the phone rings out and goes to voicemail. "Hi, this is Scott. I can't come to the phone right now, so please leave a message after the beep." Scott's voice chimes in my ear. I suddenly hear a loud beep, signalling for me to speak. "Um, hi Scott, uh... I just wanted you to know that I really want to talk to you about what happened at Samantha's. Can we both just give each other a chance to listen to both sides of the story? I'll see you soon, I guess. Bye." I say before I hang up the phone. I look between Kira and Kara.

"No answer, it just went to voicemail." I explain sadly. The two girls sigh in disappointment.

"Just give him a little time. Once he's calmed down, he'll come to his senses and talk to you, I'm sure of it." Kara smiles at me.

"If you say so." I shrug. Kara embraces me with a hug.

"At least you have us." She whispers. Kira hums in agreement. I nod in acknowledgement.

"Thanks, I really appreciate you two for being here for me and trying to cheer me up." I tell them.

"No problem, Stiles. I'm sure the rest of the pack will feel the same way as us." Kira smiles. I glance down at my phone to check the time. "Not that I don't want you guys here anymore, but it's getting late and I want to get some sleep. Maybe that's what I need to help me feel a bit better." I look back between my two friends.

"Okay, no problem. See you at school Stiles." Kira gives me one more hug before she stands up and leaves the room. After a minute, I hear the front door open and close. I turn to Kara. "Call out if you need anything. You know where to find me." Kara grins as she squeezes my shoulder gently.

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