14: The Hunters

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Stiles POV

I wake up with a gasp. I look around me in fear. I sigh in relief as I realize where I am. I lie back down in bed. Wow, what a nightmare. I dreamt that Daniel found me, but not before he found all of the people I care about and love. That includes my friends from Atlantia. I had to watch as he killed all of them one by one. The nightmare ended with him shooting me in the face. After another moment, I've fully calmed myself down. Scott knocks on the door before entering. Scott is only wearing black sweatpants. I try very hard not to look at his bare chest. He frowns. "Are you okay? I could hear your heart pounding." Scott asks in concern.

"Yeah, I just had a nightmare, that's all." I reply as I get myself out of bed.

"You sure you're okay?" Scott asks once again.

"Of course." I nod.

"Alright, let's get some breakfast then." He says with a small grin.

"Sounds good." I comment before I race Scott down the stairs and into the kitchen. Scott grabs us both bowls while I grab the cereal. I quickly pour the cereal into both bowls. Scott opens the fridge and grabs the milk, pouring it into both bowls also. He then places the milk back in the fridge. I sit down at the table with my bowl of cereal. Scott walks over to me with his bowl and two spoons. He hands one to me. "Thanks," I say as I take the spoon and set it in my bowl. Soon after, I start eating. I'm extra careful with not letting any milk splash on me. "So, what are we going to do today?" I ask Scott curiously.

"Well, we're probably going to have a pack meeting. We really need to decide what to do with Daniel and his gang." Scott answers. "But I thought we already decided that we'd just let him come and get what he came for?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah, but that is not fair on the poor creature, whoever and whatever it is. I just can't let it suffer. As a pack, it's our job to protect those who cannot protect themselves. You understand that, right?" Scott responds. I'm suddenly reminded of Allison. She was the one who first came up with that code. A sudden pang of guilt hits me in the chest, but I push it away quickly. "Yeah, of course I understand that. I agree with you. However, I know that this guy is dangerous. He won't hesitate to kill us." I warn Scott.

"We won't let him. He may know who we are, but he doesn't know our courage and perseverance." Scott smiles. I stare at Scott for a moment before shrugging and returning to eat my breakfast. After a few minutes, I'm done. I take my dishes to the sink. Scott puts his dishes next to mine in the sink. I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. I sit down on the sofa, unsure of what to do now. Scott walks into the room while talking on the phone. I assume he's talking to Derek. "Yeah, just call everyone to your loft in 20 minutes." I hear Scott say. There is a moment of silence before Scott speaks again. "Alright, I'll see you there." Scott nods before hanging up the phone. He sits down on the sofa next to me.

"As you heard, we are having a pack meeting at Derek's." Scott informs me. I just nod and stare at the wall with a blank expression. I'm feeling quite flat at the moment. Scott notices my mood. "It'll help take your mind off things." He says gently. I turn to him. "Will it take my mind off things? What if-" I begin, but cut myself off. I almost rambled on and confessed my fear of my dad being taken by Daniel. That would cause a lot of suspicion, if not being a dead giveaway. Scott frowns. "What?" He asks. I shake my head. "Nothing, nothing." I try to lie convincingly, but fail miserably.

"Stiles, don't lie." Scott presses.

"Fine. I guess I'm just worried that Daniel and his group don't care about how many people they take or kill before they get to what they want. What if they took my dad? What if they thought if they got the Sheriff out of the way, it would make their job easier?" I answer, but still not telling Scott the whole truth. This time, Scott seems to buy it.

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