37: Making Up?

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Scott POV

After Stiles slams the door, my anger slowly fades away. I breathe heavily, trying to keep control. Eventually, I calm down. I run my hands through my hair, barely able to comprehend what just happened. I'm glad it ended where it did, because if it didn't, I think it could have gotten a lot worse. What happened just then was bad enough. Once my anger has completely faded, my mind plays back on the events that unfolded. I know that I overreacted and judging by the looks that Stiles had given me and the emotions I smelt coming off him, I know that I've really hurt Stiles. The thing I regret most is me putting Stiles down like I did, especially the part about his parents. I sigh in frustration. I do have a tendency to stuff up, don't I? However, this time, I'm still feeling conflicted. I try to piece everything together in my mind. I don't think that Stiles was telling the truth, as painful as that is for me to believe. For some unknown reason, he has tried to accuse Sam of not being what I think and that I shouldn't trust her. At the same time, Stiles' hurt was real. He's my best friend, why would he lie to me like that? Before I go and apologize to him for what I said (to be honest, I'm not sure if he will ever forgive me), I need to go and talk to Samantha. Maybe she will know what is going on. I grab my keys and walk out of my house, towards my motorbike.

I arrive at Samantha's house 15 minutes later. I knock politely on the door. Samantha answers it quickly. She grins when she sees it is me. "Oh, hey Scott. I wasn't expecting you. Please, come in." She says, standing out of the entrance. I walk into the house and look around. Sam leads me into the living room. We sit down on the sofa. Sam holds my hands in hers. "What's wrong?" She asks in confusion.

"Oh, well, Stiles and I had a fight," I begin.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?" Samantha gasps in surprise.

"That's what I'm here to talk about, actually. Stiles said some things about you." I say uneasily.

"What things?" Samantha frowns.

"He said that you're not good for me. That you're bad news. That you're... Possessive." I reply.

"What? Why would he say that?" Samantha asks with a light laugh.

"That's why I was asking you. I had hoped you would know." I say.

"Well, I can assure you that I'm none of those things." Samantha assures me with a smile. Even though I trust her, I decide to listen to her heartbeat as she says that. It keeps a steady pace and never misses a beat. As I thought, she was telling the truth. That makes me feel a little bit better. Suddenly, I remember something else. "Stiles also talked about you taunting him and being mean to him at school. Is that true?" I ask, unsure of what the answer will be. Samantha sighs and looks down at our hands. I frown, starting to get worried. "Well, I'm not going to lie to you Scott, okay? Stiles and I did have an argument at school. Well, maybe more than just one. We ended up getting a detention for it once." Samantha answers. "About what?" I ask, my mood getting lower by the minute.

"A lot of things, but the main topics were our... Secret pasts, our families, our trust issues with each other and the lies we have told people." She replies.

"Wait, what secret past?" I ask suddenly. Of course I know what Stiles' past is, but what is Samantha not telling me? Then again, I'm also keeping something from her, but still. "Well, I can show you if you like." Samantha says.

"Well, kind of anyway." She adds. Sam glances at the glass of water on the table. She reaches her hand out and lifts it up. Sure enough, the water inside the glass mysteriously rises. I gasp quietly. I take a look at her eyes. They are glowing light green, Just like Kara's and Stiles'. "So, in case you didn't know, I'm a mermaid." Samantha states as she lets the water fall back into the glass. "Because I'm 18, I don't grow a tail every time I touch any water or liquid, only salt water. That's why I can't really show you my tail now." She explains. I'm left speechless. Only until recently, I had no idea merpeople existed. Yet today, I find that I have three of them in my everyday life. Well, usually it would be four, but the Sheriff isn't around at the moment. "Wow," Is all I can manage to say. Samantha giggles.

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