19: Theo's Threats

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Stiles POV

I wake up to hear Melissa shouting from downstairs. "Scott! Stiles! You need to get up! Breakfast is downstairs and you need to get ready for school!" I hear her yell. I yawn as I sit up and stretch. After a few moments, I get out of bed and walk down the stairs. I sit down at the table and start to eat the toast that Melissa has made for me. A few minutes later, Scott walks down into the room. His hair is all ruffled and messy. I hold back a smile. Scott looks over at me as he sits down. "What?" He asks with a confused look. I shake my head.

"Nothing." I reply casually. I look down at my breakfast again and continue eating it. Once I've finished, I stand up and take my dishes to the sink. I run up the stairs to my room and get changed. As I throw on a jacket, the light shinning through the window reflects off my locket. I walk closer to the mirror. I play with the locket, eventually opening it. I look at the picture inside. I smile, taking in how happy my parents and I looked. I wish I could see them again. I close the locket and walk away from the mirror. I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder. I take in a deep breath. I will see my dad again, even if I have to go through hell to find him. Feeling more confident, I walk out of the door. I meet Scott at the bottom of the stairs. He's only just finished his breakfast. Scott's hair is still ruffled, sticking out at different angles.

"You can go Stiles, I'll take the motorbike." Scott offers. I nod.

"Okay, I'll see you there." I reply. I walk out of the house and make my way to the jeep. I jump in and quickly start the car. I drive towards the school. Once I park the car and jump out, I realize that I'm early. I decide to go for a walk. The woods are literally right on the back of the lacrosse field. I walk into the woods, looking around in exploration. I clamber over rocks and fallen tree trunks. I sometimes stumble over my own feet or a tree root. After a while, I check the time. If I don't want to be late, I should start heading back. Even though I've been kidnapped, the teachers won't have that as an excuse for me being late to class today. I walk back towards the school. When I'm about five minutes away from the lacrosse field, I hear a twig snap behind me. I stop in my tracks, my heart beating faster. I thought I was the only one out here. I look around wildly, afraid that Daniel or one of his thugs have found me. No one jumps out of the shadows, so I start to calm down a little. "Hello?" I ask into thin air. A few seconds later, a boy about my age steps into the light. He smirks at me. "Hi." The teenager replies.

"What are you doing out here?" I ask cautiously, noticing his muscular build. It looks like he can fight. I also notice that there is something off about the way he looks at me. "I could ask you the same question, Stiles." The boy chuckles. I frown. "How do you know my name?" I ask suspiciously.

"You don't remember me?" The guy sounds slightly disappointed.

"Should I remember you?" I reply, frown and tilt my head slightly.

"Theo Raeken. I was in 4th grade with you." The teenager answers, bowing slightly in greeting. Suddenly, it all comes back to me. I remember the scrawny, scruffy haired boy named Theo. I met him only a few days after I started school here in Beacon Hills. He's very different to what I remember. "Oh, right. Sorry. I remember now. Nice to see you again." I say, holding out my hand. Theo doesn't shake it. "Okay..." I mutter, letting my hand drop to my side. I don't feel comfortable around Theo. He was nice enough in 4th grade, but... I think he's changed. I don't know why, but I think he has become a whole other person. I don't express my concerns. "So, what brings you back to Beacon Hills?" I ask Theo, breaking the silence. Theo's face suddenly hardens, his cold eyes staring right at me. Theo takes a step towards me. I can't help but take a slight step back. "Oh, you know, just trying to look for a pack." Theo shrugs. I blink in shock.

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