32: New Revelations

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Stiles POV

The next couple of weeks start to go by quickly. I am very surprised at how much lighter I feel. I guess that secret had been weighing on me a lot more than I thought. I also mentioned to my friends the variety of a merperson's powers (which resulted in them finding out that I stopped the sirens) and our deadly weakness, snapdragon. Another thing I let everyone know what was really inside my locket. They deserved to know. There have been a few close calls involving water at school, but my friends have always been able to cover for me. For example, when someone accidentally spilled a beaker of water on me, I ran out of the classroom. Scott and Lydia explained it as a panic attack. Lydia ran after me to help my "panic attack". We hid in an empty classroom. As an extra measure, I made myself turn invisible until I dried. Lydia helped by using an old cloth to dry me.

Another example was when someone bumped me while I was drinking from my bottle, droplets of water going everywhere. I excused myself from class, saying I needed the toilet. Scott quickly said he needed to go to the toilet as well. We rushed out of class and hid in the first thing we saw. It was very cramped in the janitor's closet, especially with my tail, but at least it was warm. It allowed me to dry more quickly. Scott managed to lock the door, which was a good thing because Coach started trying to open it a few minutes later. "What the hell? The door is locked!" Coach yelled out. I heard more footsteps run to the door. The people on the other side frantically tried to pull open the door. I remember looking at Scott in a panic. I calmed down when he assured be that it would be okay. We both hurried to get me dry, Scott used his clothes while I used an old, dusty rag I found on the floor. How very hygienic of me. "Hey! If someone is in there, unlock this door right now!" We heard Coach shout. It almost sounded like he was trying to break the door down at this point. Finally, I had dried off and transformed back to human. Instead of my tail being in front of Scott's face, my feet were. I quickly stood up and sighed quietly in relief. I helped Scott up before unlocking the door and opened it. The two of us looked around at our audience. Everyone looked a little shocked. "Sorry Coach, Scott and I were just talking about some private things." I had explained poorly. Coach raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm sure you two were 'talking'." Coach said under his breath. Everyone looked at us suspiciously. I think I even spotted Kira and Kara in the crowd. They looked at us with concern. "What is that supposed to mean?" Scott asked Coach as he frowned. "Oh, I think you know what I mean. Get to class, the both of you, before I give you detentions. Oh, and a warning for the future, do all of that... Personal stuff at home. Not at school, especially in the janitor's closet." Coach said as he shook his head with disgust. With that, Scott and I rushed away from everybody. That instance stood out to me because it was clear that everyone thought that we were making out in the janitor's closet. Or possibly even having sex, considering how dishevelled and flustered we both looked. I still feel a little embarrassed as I walk past people at school. Sometimes I hear them whisper about me. I know that Scott has also realized what everyone else is thinking, but he hasn't let it make our friendship awkward. That's one of the things I really like about him. He doesn't care what other people think of him. It's a little funny how I've had a few close calls at school while Kara has had none, considering I've dealt with it longer than she has.

On another note, Chris has given Kara and I the all clear about the hunters. Either they have been captured, killed or have moved on to somewhere or something else. This means that we can go back swimming in the ocean again, which we are both excited about. We have already been three or four times. Each time we go to the beach, the pack goes with us and watches as we take off and dive underwater. I don't know what they do while we are underwater, but they are always waiting for us when we get back. The time can really vary. Once it was only 30 minutes while another time was almost two hours. Kara and I have had plenty of time to get really close. She has told me how much she really likes Isaac and how far their relationship has gotten. I'm so happy for Isaac and her. I hope they stay together for a long time, or even forever, even if it sounds like a long shot.

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