33: The New Girl

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Stiles POV

Kira and I are sitting in her living room, drinking cups of tea. I have to admit, this tea is the best I have ever tasted. "What? No way. Come on Stiles, you have to tell him!" Kira whines, nudging my elbow playfully. I have just told her what happened after Scott took me to Deaton's two days ago. "That is so cute!" Kira adds with a smile. I laugh and roll my eyes. "It meant nothing to him, Kira. He was just keeping me warm, as any friend would do." I point out sadly. Kira raises her eyebrows. "Do you really think that just any friend would do that for you?" She asks me. I consider the question for a moment. "Probably, yeah." I answer.

"Really? Who?"

"Uh... You, Lydia, Malia and Kara?" I reply, trying really hard to think who would logically keep me warm in bed, which sounds really bad out of context. "Maybe that is true, but those people are all girls. What about the guys?" Kira continues.

"Um... Liam?" I say uncertainly. Kira shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think so." She tells me.

"How can you be so sure?" I ask as I place my tea down and fold my arms. Kira leans back on the sofa opposite me.

"Intuition." She simply states. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Even if you're right about none of my other guy friends wanting to do that for me, it doesn't necessarily make you right about Scott. You know how selfless, kind and helping he is. I know he'd do the same for anyone. It wasn't anything personal, Kira. He actually got really embarrassed when he woke up." I tell the kitsune.

"Only when you like someone can you get flustered and embarrassed." Kira points out matter of factly.

"Or when you accidentally sleep next to someone when you know that there are rumours about the two of you dating." I retaliate. Kira sighs in frustration. "You're very stubborn, aren't you?" She asks.

"Just as stubborn as you." I reply. Kira smirks a little before she takes another sip of her tea.

"Well, either way, I'm glad you're back to normal now. Same with Liam." Kira tells me, changing the subject.

"Yeah, it feels good not to have a dangerous virus that can literally freeze people solid." I laugh.

"I went to visit Liam yesterday and apologized about what happened. Liam forgave me and told me it was fine. He looks a little pale and cold still, but if he continues to stay near heaters or other warm places, he will be fine." I inform Kira.

"That's good to hear." Kira nods with a smile.

"If you don't mind me asking, what were your friends like in Atlantia?" She asks carefully as I pick up my cup of tea again. I take a swig of it before answering. "Well, we all had different personalities, but none of them clashed. We all got along very well. We were very close friends. I remember promising one of them, Ben, the night before I was taken away, that we would be friends forever. Ben and I were best friends. I missed them all so much when I had to live on land. Eventually, most of the pain of losing Ben, Max, Crystal and Selena faded away, but I will always miss them. I think about them most days, if not every day." I tell Kira.

"Wow, I'm so sorry. It must have been so hard for you." Kira apologizes.

"No need to apologize. Even though I lost Ben, Max, Crystal and Selena, more awesome people came into my life, making it worthwhile, giving me a reason to keep my hopes up and stay here." I reply, giving her a small wink. Kira smiles gratefully. "I'm glad to hear that." She tells me honestly. I drain the last few dregs from my cup before sitting it down on the table again. "Thanks for the tea. It was some of the best that I have ever had." I grin. Kira smiles back.

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